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NSC Action 1945 charged the OCB with advising
the Council with respect to the timing of release
of the Ivy Film.


NSC Action 1061 charged OCB with coordinating the
timing of the public anncuncement of the nation-wide
Civil Defense Exercise, as well as the general line
to be taken by publicity about ite


A second responsibility of OCB stems from subparagraph 2 of

Sectinn 2 of Executive Order 19483, which provides that "the Board shallese
initiate new proposals for action within the framework of national security
policies in response t> opportunities and changes in the situation,"


fulfillment of this function, the OCB, by action of December 9, 1953,
authorized a program for the domestic and international information program
in support of the President's UNGA speech.

This group includes representa=

tives of the AEC and FCDA.


Within the framework of subparagraph (2) of Section 2, cited

abnve, the 0C3 makes recommendations to the NSC on such matters as nuclear
energy projects which have not been specifically assigned to it by the
Council, but which affect other national security actions assigned to Wie

Select target paragraph3