TAR "4"

Draft Statement by OCB to:
Henbers of Board
Chaizman, AEC
Director, FCDA
Director, ODM


The area of United States Government public reporting in which the
most important problens of coordination now arise is that of nuclear energy
development, both for weapons and Jeneral beneficial uses.

The urgency of

bringing about such eoordination has been heightened by the need tc naintain and enhance the american leadership established by the Fresident!s
speech of December 8, 1953, to the UN General sssembly,

Major actions taken

and the subsequent public statements on nuclear applicetions and Prindings
should obviously be examined with an eye to leiding them play the fullest
possible part in support of this Nation's objectives throughout the world,
The Board stands ready to assist in this type of coordination.


will give first priority of nembers, staff assistants, staff, and working
groups to expediting it and to providing tritten fuidences where appropriate,

Our purpose is to bring quicliy to bear on probicus of content and

timing of official actions and statenents the whole range of judgments
available in the agencies revresented in the Board and the working sroups,
to neke sure that no pertinent considerations will be overlooked, and
that the naximw: support for the United States' international position
in nuclear energy uatters may be exerted by timing of actions taken and
*y official public revorting generally in this field, am to

“Filauce the possibility of lapses, cversi,ht, or delay in consultation on
ters of nuclear energy action or announcenents,

The Board's staff

ec. working groups have coupiled the attached check list of current itcns

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