mission had approved fully the recommendation of General Hull

and Captain Russell that public recognition be given at the
Hawail press conference to the scientists who made such a marked
contribution to the program.

The Commission considered it very

unfortunate that a last minute objection prevented the public
recognition planned,

since such occurrences make it difficult to

interest and retain sclentific talent in the atomic energy program.
Mr. Lilienthal expressed appreciation for the manner in
which Joint Task Force 7 had fulfilled its mission and for the out-

standing assistance it gave the Commission.
The Commission:

a. AGREED that the dissolution of Joint Task Force 7 would
be appropriate when so ordered by the Joint Chiefs of

bd. ACCEPTED Captain Russell's report and agreed that the

Commission directive of January 14, 1948 (AEC 9/2) to
the Test Director was fulfilled;
c. REQUESTED that Captain Russell have letters of commendation prepared,

for the Chairman's signature,

to those

scientists who made outstanding contributions, and that
other commendatory letters be prepared as appropriate;
d. NOTED WITH APPROVAL that the General Manager had designated the Office of Santa Fe Directed Operations as the
field agency of the Commission for administration of the

Commission interest in the Eniwetok Proving Ground after
dissoluticn of Joint Task Force 7;


e, ACCEPTED the recommendation that the framework of the
Proof Test Division at Los Alamos Laboratory be maintain-

ed during the intervals between tests and that a steer-

Select target paragraph3