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February 28, 1974

Mr. Tommy McCraw
Division of Operational Safety

U. S. Atomic Energy Commission

Washington, D.C.


Dear Mr. McCraw:

In reference to your February 5 memorandum to Claire Palmiter we
offer the following comments on the draft, ‘Report by AEC Task Group on

Recommendations for Cleanup and Rehabilitation of Enewetok Atoll."

In view of possible precedents for handling plutonium
contamination problems in other localities that may be established by
the task group report, we have serious reservations as to the adequacy
of the AEC recommendations for environmental protection.
The exposure
Situation at Fnewetok is expected to continue indefinitely with the
return of civilians into a contaminated area.
These Trust Territory
people are entitled to as much protection as that afforded residents of
the U. 5S. by the Federal Radiation Protection Guides.
Conversely, it
might be argued that the degree of soil contamination and the total
doses expected to be received by the Marshallese are acceptable in the
U. Ss.
Recommendations 3a through 3e on pages 5 and 6 calling for
partial cleanup with limited habitation is insufficient.
The task group
should carefully consider recommending sufficient removal of
contaminated soils on all islands so that no restriction on the
activities of the Enewetok natives will be a prerequisite for their
Partial cleanup with limited habitation is probably not a
viable alternative strategy, since the restrictions required would be
The method of disposal to be used for contaminated soils
appears to be beyond the scope of this study and such alternatives will
no doubt be considered in a following EIS.
Therefore we do not believe
inclusion of Appendix IV in this report is appropriate.
We also believe
the EPA position on ocean disposal of radioactive wastes, which is
sufficiently flexible to give a fair consideration of an appropriate
EIS, is seriously misrepresented in Appendix IV and we request this
material be deleted from the task force report,

S018 12

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