Acknowledgement is made to Captains Edwin York and Roger Boyd who attendedthis operation
as Project 2.1 personnel through the cooperation of the Air Forces Special Weapons Center
(AFSWC). Their assistance and suggestions contributed to the success of this project.
Appreciation is expressed for the cooperation and participation of the Department of Radiobiology, School of Aviation Medicine, USAF, and particularly for the chemical dosimeter data,
evaluated in the field and laboratory, of lst Lt. Sanford C. Sigoloff, who also contributed the
material for the discussion of chemical dosimeters in Section 2.2.3,
Acknowledgment is also made to: Doctors Dunham, Corsbie, and Buterhoff, for making
available the AEC dosimeter systems described herein; Doctors Taplin and Cassen, University
of California, for their production and evaluation of the AEC dosimeter systems; S.C. Rainey,
of Project 2.72, for providing DT-60 phosphate-glass dosimeters and 200r gamma-range quartzfiber dosimeters; C.N. Kingery, of Froject 1.1, for making available the use of the 113 series
of stations on Sites Charlie and Dog for Shots Cherokee and Tewa; and Majors Roy Weidler and
Thomas Connolly, of Headquarters, Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP), for technical suggestions and advice.

Select target paragraph3