

Compare of page 5 in book to page 29.
Levels in body has dropped off since people left Bikini.
Harm tn bodies?

Tape 4 - Side J
Hinche requests comparison of difference of radiation zone at Kili and radiation
zone at Eneu.
Since you say you have seen the reports of the scientists of that era, and you

have now made additional research and reports, we would like to have copies of that

information assembled 1967-1968 and what you have assembled to be our

property and for our legal counsel.

Is that possible.

There are approximately 50 family heads which are qualified to speak on the
behalf of all the people present .

Tape 4 - Side 2

We have all of our Council
"The overwhelming majority of the people would like to return to
Eneu if radiation is within acceptable risks-~what constitutes an
acceptable risk?"
The next step is for the people to work with their own independent scientists to
assess, evaluate, clarify, confirm or deny the results of this dose assessment.

The strong desire is to return to Eneu.

The hope is that your results will be

Is it true when you monitor a person - take blood samples etc. do you pay each

person $10?

Tape 5 - Side J
(something on the very first of the tape needs to be erased by Scotty)

It seems to me the meeting today is very similar to the one years ago when we
were asked to leave our atoll]. I remember that day vividly. I want to speak
about that.
The Bikini people are somewhat divided in their desires.
to Eneu today, without even validating the U.S. survey.

Some people want to go

Others want to

stay on Kili regardless of the safety of Eneu - others want to go to Eneu
but want to assess the U.S. survey before they go forward. Lastly, there are

Select target paragraph3