with a background of approximately 30 counts per

have been written to relate urine assay data t


body content at a given time after contaminati

Simpson gas flow proportional counters,

acquired in May 1945, were operated originally with

or at the time of contamination.

an efficiency of 48 to 50 percent and a background

one resorts to the convenience of computerizeca

of about 1 count per minute.

Modifications of these

However, whe

reduction and analysis or to hand calculations

counters, chiefly lining the counting chamber it-

practiced in the early days, the procedures ar

self with electrolytic copper foil, reduced the

based, at least in part, upon the systemic mod

background to 0.15 + 0.1 count per minute.

urinary elimination developed by Langham and c


counters, in continuous use until 1957, were sup-


plemented in 1952 by four NMC gas flow proportional

tained from studies of human subjects of short

counters operating at 48 to 49 percent efficiency


with backgrounds of about 0.1 count per minute.


This model was derived from data ob

These persons were given plutoniu

citrate by intravenous injection in 1945.>


NTA procedure, adopted in January 1957, involved the

used these data to derive a simple power funct

counting of microscopic tracks instead of electronic

equation to relate urinary excretion rate to b


This gave a background of 0.005 count

per minute with an efficiency of 50 percent.


overall procedure had a sensitivity limit (50 per-


The power function is often used to

approximate a set of exponential functions cha
acterized by both decreasing the amount and re

cent confidence level) of about 0.05 disintegra-

rate from various compartments.

tion per minute per sample.

yses of the data from the original patients an

From April 1966 to

More recent a

January 1967, zinc sulfide scintillation counters

from industrial exposures suggest that either

were used; these devices were about 45 percent effi-

power function or multiple exponential functio:

cient with a background of 0.01 + 0.006 count per

can be used to fit the observed excretion patt


Although most of the human data were obtained

Acquisition of alpha spectrometric equip-—

ment in 1966 led to measurement of all samples by

ing the first 140 days after injection, some

alpha spectrometry after January 1967; the proce-

information is available for excretion periods

dure yields an efficiency of 27 percent and a back-

to 5 years.

ground of 0,004 + 0.003 count per minute.

latter data give the following specific expres:

In use

Use of power functions based on t:!

presently is an 8-detector system with electronic

for rates of urinary and urinary plus fecal ex

data processing capability, which allows one to

tion in man given plutonium citrate over a per

Measure simultaneously isotopes of
239-240), and 2420

of 5 years:


36p,, 2385, >


In addition to techniques such as alpha spec~
trometry and proportional counting, plutonium can
be measured also in the urine by a track’etch procedure following neutron irradiation.


= 0.002 t


= 0.008 t0°74,



[In the lat-

ter system, neutrons are used to produce fission

where ER, and ER|

fragments, usually in a thick plastic material

injected dose exereted per day and t the days f

supporting the plutonium-containing sample.

lowing exposure.


damaged areas of the plastic are then etched and

represent the fraction ot

Following a single exposure at a known tin

can be quantitated by use of optical means or spark

one can estimate the body burden (Q) at time of

counters .?

exposure from measurement of a 24-hour urine sr

Although not in wide use at present,

this system is said to offer a considerable improve-

men collected at a later time (t).

Ment over others in terms of sensitivity.

the relation


ER. = 0v/Q,

Using Eq. 1


Urine assay data are used as the basis for
determining the body burden of internally deposited


In more recent times, computer programs

where U is the amount of plutonium measured in
24-hour urine sample at time t, then

Select target paragraph3