studied in persons exposed to ionizing radiat
well as to a variety of exogenous agents such
cyclamates, caffeine, and LSD.

More recently

effects of elements such as cadmium that are
vironmental pollutants suspected of contribut
to human disease ?® have been studied.


induced human chromosome aberration yields ha
been used to estimate radiation doses receive:
- people involved in radiation accidents involv
whole-body exposure to 60,19

Similar studi:

also been performed on peripheral blood leuco
obtained from subjects exposed years ago to TI
the element
Th decays through
6 alpha and 4 beta disintegrations to 2085, (i
90 percent of the radiation energy is associat
Fig. 10.

Autoradiograph of lung section of subject
No. 2 showing a radioactive particle.

with high LET alpha rays).

Radium daughter pr

ucts deposit in bone, thoron is exhaled, and c
sequently both bone and lung tissue are irradi

in the liver of human subjects, we can make no

Finally, the chromosomes of blood lymphocytes

quantitative statements concerning the observations

patients with body burdens of radium have been

in several persons who were measured.

analyzed; many of these patients were exposed


within the bone cannot be measured by the tm vivo

to World War 11.77>23

counting technique.

dium patients, marked excesses of chromosome a.

Traces of plutonium were de-

tected by counting the hands of several subjects
known to have hand wounds while working with plutonium in 1944 or 1945.
located in one


The site was precisely

(subject No.

estimated to be 5.3 + 0.4 nCi.


and the amount

Of interest is the

In both Thorotrast and

rations were reported.
Because of observations of chronic lympho.

in dogs exposed to plutonium oxide aerosols, o:
might expect to observe chromosome damage in 1:
cytes of exposed plutonium workers.

This obse:

observation that the subject erroneousiy thought

tion led Dolphin?“ to investigate the possibil:

that the wound was on the other hand.

of chromosomal aberrations in lymphocyte cultur

At present,

the skin overlying the active site appears to be

obtained from workers in England known to have

grossly normal except for minimal scaling.

exposed to plutonium.

We plan

He compared the findings

to make additional measurements on and cbservations

8 plutonium workers who had been exposed to plu

of this deposit in the future.

nium plus 14 rads of external irradiation over


year period with workers who had received exter

Chromosome Analysis

irradiation only and found that the dicentric y

During the 1971-1972 visit to the LASL, blood

of lymphocytes of the plutonium workers could b.

samples were obtained from the UPPU group for chro-

accounted for by the extemal radiation dose re-

mosome studies using standardized,

ceived by the workers.


Dolphin@4 also cites an

Aithough no abnormalities were found

other case in which a plutonium worker was foun

in these subjects, we plan to add newly developed

by chest-counting, to have 10 to 20 times the pe

chromosome banding techniques to our procedures

missible level of plutonium in the lung about


when the group is next studied.
During recent years,

considerable interest has

3 years after an inhalation accident.


analysis indicated minimal radiation damage to t

been directed at the effects of various stressing

lymphocyte series even at a high level of expos.

agents on chromosomes of lymphocytes in the per-

of the patient.

ipheral blood.

chromosomes obtained from uranium miners exposec

The induction of chromosomal aber-

rations in human peripheral leucocytes has been


Other investigators are studyir.

a variety of stressing agents, including radiati

Select target paragraph3