

16 January 1957

At the close of the meeting, the following discussion took place:

It looks as though this study will require that J-1, J-3, J-4 and J-6 work
pretty closely together, but they cach heve a pretty good idea of what part
of the answers they're supposed to come up with.

Do you want to try and

attempt any consolidation before the deadline, or do you just want to get
those four reports written and then attempt a consolidation?


It would be nice to consolidate ahead of time but if it can't be done,
There is a purpose behind this

we will just bave to take what we can get.

and that is to present some kind of results for consideration to somebody,
as yet unknown, apperently the Planning Board, I don't know.

The thing that

would worry we a little bit is that if we don't make some effort to consolidate ourselves » its purpose won't be very well served, because the consoli-

dation will have to take place in the Plenning Board and they are liable to
consolidate the way they think it should be.

Why don't we scurry around for a couple of weeks?

I would like to talk to

7.5 and Al will probably vant to gather information from 7.4 and 7.3.


in a couple of weeks we could report back and see what, if anything, we have
Yes, perhaps I didn't make myself clear.

I didn't mean thet we should never

atteupt to consolidate; I meant, do we try to consolidate before that deadline, or do we take the four separate reports at that deadline and try to
consolidate then?

Why don't we try to get together the veek of the 20th or 2lat of January

and see where we stand?

Possibly the 13th, when Gibby wili try to be here


I think ve're going to be a little pushed to get anything by that time.
We've just been talking about whether or not we could get the ¢onsolidstion

done vy thet time.

9005 1b

But right now, you're aiming at the 18th of January?

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Select target paragraph3