
J 301-29

16 Jamary 1957
novth commer and >lowing a hole, because the hole doesn't do you a bit
of good unless you em clear a path dowm throusn the lagoon.

GT33T'S: I agree with you, 30, but you are going alorg with the concept that ve
are going to build major shore installations up there.


‘laybe not far SARDTACK, but eventually.

I think that if you get

permission te use Taongi, you should keen sane sort of planning in your
head and not build a photo station where you ti11 want an airstrip


Try to make eventual use of the land as mech as possible.

GIB3INS: Jaybe with a remcte diagnostic system, you will want to breech the reef

in two places.

Have you settled where you want to put the Mrst one, yet?


GIseTiss Ne, north of the Pokaakim Island Passage sonewhere.
anything about the currents.

We don’t know

‘co would like te get beck in that same

I think it is not clear that the edze of that crater would be

cleaned out to the point where you could set another berge in there and
have the gang work on it.

I do not think you would want to go along on

the basis of firing every shot in the same crater,

Even with the remote

diagnostics, it is etvisable to keep stepping in on each shot.

I don't sec “ow you can hely but clean out the old crater enough.


isn't any land there, you get shine off islands, you do not nave any
islands, you are not going to have any shine.
contaminated water.


You are going to have

It 1s going to be right at the edge of the ocean.

It aviously is going to get diluted and mixed on the edge of the reef,

GISBINS: I think we are saying that we just do not know onough about the place,
Don't kmow enough about the whole operation.


And you are not really sure enaigh about just what you want to do.


No, you dor.'t know exactly what you want to do, but you can make a


couple of assumptions,



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