

January 1957

de not have to be so high.

GI3BINS: I dan*t think there is my advantage to it, 500.

Rather than have the LSD just steaning around after it has unloaded,
the barge waiting to pick up the boats, it could be making a trip to
Enivetok to pick up the next barge.



I will make you a bet that it len't the night of ninus one.

‘lot up


Perhaps not in that place.


Maybe you just use T-boats, and use tugs or something like that to
escort the T-boats to sea.

I think you are going to have quite a

tine getting two LSDs, let alone throe,

I think one of the questione here is just what does the addition of
Taongi buy you, timewise, in shortening the operation.

We are just

trying to set an estimate of how ofton you could fMre over there vith
ens Dog boat.
GIBSINS: We wold like to preserve a five dey capability.

Yo. have come down two days since I last talked to you.

It was seven,

GIB3SINS: With a seven day capability, I think yon can do it, with one LSD.


Just darely.

GI8BINS: Twas days dam, two days back and three days up there,

Yes, but this three days up there is with everything running very


Ye3, and dewn there, he has got to load too, yo have to allow time
fa: that.


Yo. know hew we got the LSD up in the lee of Bikini Island, because of
the anoothness of the water in the lagoon.
the barge again in the open sea,

GIBBINS: Not after the first shot.



Here you would be discharging

Select target paragraph3