Page Twelve
Jonathan Wefsgall
January 21, 1982
coconut intake by the outer island Marshallese.
As a final comment, I would like to suggest the names of
some interested radiation scientists whom you may wish to contact
in relation to additional independent assessments of Bikini:
Kar] Z. Morgan, health physicist, Georgia Institute of Technology
Joseph Wagoner, epidomiologist, Springfield, VA (202) 523-7144
Carl Johnson, opidomiologist, Rocky Flats, Colorado (303) 232-2328
F. Raymon Fosberg, botanist, Smithsonian Institution, (202) 381-5559
(Fosberg, thé long-term editor of the Atoll Research Bulletin,

accompanied Conard and the Brookhaven team during their 1957 annual
Marshalls survey after the "Bravo" test. When he noticed abnormal

vegetation patterns as he flew over Rongolap Atoll- and which he
later confirmed in a field study--he speculated that these were

caused by the fallout from "Bravo." When he tried to publish his
findings, Conard attempted to suppress his article on radiationdamaged plants in the Marshalls. After having his article rejected
by Science, Fosberg had it published in Nature tn 1959. He maintains
that Conard tried to cover up information about the fallout damage
from "Bravo." Fosberg says he would like to be included in an
———independent survey of radiation damage in the Marshalls.
lf I can be of further help to you with regard to your Bikinian

Clients, please feel free to contact me at any time.


Glenn H. Alcalay

Department of Anthropology

Kotrady 1977 report (xerox)


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