Jenuary 6, 1953


December 30.


January 2.

On Decanber 30 Dr. Jack Clark discussed this problem

with rovresentatives from the Division of Biology and Medicine in
Vadhington. It was Dr. Clark's feeling that such request between ADC
anc DCD nad been mutually honored in the past and tnat he did nev think
there would be any problem of AFSWP's granting the current request.
On January 2 Col. Gwym called me and said they had

receivea a reply from Col. Preuss but the justification indicatcd in

Preuss! letter was unsatisfactory to AFSWP and that if further justificovion was not forthcoming at once, a letter of disapproval fcr the
request would be initiatea by him for Admiral Parker's signature.
Gol. Gwynn again urged thet representatives from the Division of Biology
and Medicine make a direct, personel and immediate appeal to Admiral Parker.
by then it had become quite apparent thet the issue could grow into scmething more serious than the request for forty-cight enlisted men and one
officer. Therefore, I told Col. Gwymthat before we took any further

action I woula like to call Dr. Clark at LASL, inform him of the present

status ci the problem and hear his desires about proceeding.


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On January 2 i called Dr. Clark at LASL but he had not returned at
time. I again called Dr. Clark on January 5 and informed him of
latest developments. He agreed te check with Dr. Alvin Graves and
reuss and to call back later the same day. When he returned the
ea January 5 he indicated that
the vroblem was not as simple es he
nad imagined and that after discussing the situation with Mr. Tyler, Mr.
Tyler would probably contact APSWP.


Jenuary 6.


Dr. Bugher

On January 6 Dr. Bugher received a cell from Brig. Gen.

Alvin 2. Luececke. I de not know the exact conversation which ensued but
Dr. Bugher indicated the problem would probably be resclved with AFSWP
srenting our request for military support of both the NYOO and UCLA

Dr. Claus



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