List of Figures
1. The locations of seven sites (R9, R13, R18, R20, R23, R25, and Pit 22) af Rongelap

Island where LLNL made in-situ gamma measurements to compare With the
EG&G contours developed from the 1978 aerial Survey....0........sssesesssdfesceesessesereres3

2a. Rongelap Island sampling locations.......-....sscsssssssssssssssessssecssssessssesssssecsssed onvecsseecsses17

2b. Rongelap Island sampling locations.
3. Comparison of 137Cs body burdens estimated using various diet modd@ls with
actual whole-body measurements at Rongelap Island...cssssesssssseedfeceeseseeensees22
4. Probability plot of the biological half-life for 137Cs in Marshallese mal@s.............27
5. Percentage reduction in estimated doses to residents of Rongelap Islard
as a
function of the environmental half-life..............cscccssssssscsessesscseseseseeeessedfeseesessneecees36
6. Probability plot for the body weights of 167 adult Marshallese females................38
7. Probability plot for the body weights of 188 adult Marshallese males...l...............38
8. Probability plot of the dietary intake of 34 Marshallese females..........0..J......39
9. Probability plot of the dietary intake of 36 Marshallese males...............pb.ccsecsseee39
10. Probability plot of 239+240Pu concentration in the top 0 to 5 cm of soil In the
village area at Rongelap Island.................s-scssesscsssesseeessseeenseessneecnseecsnseccnsecepereassenseeeeees40
11. Probabilityplot of 239+240Pu concentration in the top 0 to 5 cm ofsoil fin the
interior Of Rongelap Island.............scssssccssssssenseecssssssesssssssasssensesseesssseseceed| sessssesesaesees40
12. Probability plot of 241Am concentration in the top 0 to 5 cm ofsoil in|the village
area at Rongelap Island............sscsssscsssesssesssessssseessssesessesesanscessrseesenescssseseedbossseeseseasanes41
13. Probability lot of 241Am concentration in the top 0 to 5 cm of soil injthe
interior Of Rongelap Island............ccssessersesessseeessessesesssesestsseeacescssssetsceneateefheeseseeseneetees41
14. Probability plot of 137Cs concentration in drinking coconut meat on Hongelap
15. Probability plot of 137Cs concentration in drinking coconut fluid on Hongelap
16. Sample distribution of interindividual variability in daily intake of 1{7Cs per
body weight based on survey data for 34 adult Ujelang females, fit to a
lognormal distribution with mean = 0.447 Bq kg-1 d-1 and a

| DOV. = 2.274eeecccssscecetessencesconsessececscceessceeesseeeesssuses sacsesntecscussansssseneseeseesseesees esssceeesessneees47

17. Estimated distribution of interindividual variability in expected 30-ykdose

corresponding to hypothetical residence on Rongelap Island starting [in 1995....48
18. Population-average expected dose from hypothetical residence on R¢ngelap
Island starting in 1995 (middle curve) and corresponding two-tail 95%
confidence limits on interindividual variability in expected dose as 4 function of
TESIGENCE es eceesesccsssssseserssscevescsesssesssessseceestesenesceseeseesentessaensssessnsseesseffessscsesessseears48
19. Two-tail 95% confidence limits on interindividual variability in e
from hypothetical residence on Rongelap Island starting in 1995 asratios of the

corresponding population-average value of this dose (horizontal lin
Specified residence tiMes.........ccsecsceesserersesseesseesssseeeseenseresessenscssessssseses


Select target paragraph3