Appendix D
To evaluate Eq. (4), D,(t) and D,,(t) were approximated as
DAH = =5 cSv y -1 (1-e*)




D,,, (t) = (2.848 x 107 cSv y"}t + (4.333 x 10% cSv y™*)#?

and deterministic Am+Pu-inhalation dose


(Figure D2) , respecti¥ely,

corresponding total annual 1%7Cs intake as R, => rR,


and R =


respectively. From Eqs. (1-3) and the notation, assumptions and definifions

given above, integrated whole-body dose, Q;,(t) after t years due to ingestign of
137Cs in a food item of type j at time t; <¢ is given by

Qy(t) = fcqy(u) du
eT _ eo(bk + AXE-T)y }

= cFBR,S

where T =¢;,5 in Eq. (A4) is defined as the quantity in braces in Eq. (A3)J and

where c = 2.431 x 10-4 cSv kg Bq"! y-! was estimated from values


cumulative whole-body-equivalent dose for adults of age 20 to 50 y thag


approximately equal to those obtained using the more complex, organ-sp¢cific


Select target paragraph3