
List of Tables

Comparison of the EG&G aerial gamma measurements with the LLNI] in-situ
Gamma measurements fOr 1375...ssssesssesssecssecsersessesscsseceseceserssecesseeseeelbeseseessees 4
External 137Cs gamma exposurerate measurements in and around thefhouses

andvillage area of Rongelap Island... essssseessseescecsccssenssstsssesneteseetersecsecsserees 5

Resuspension data for high and low resuspension conditions on Bikin] and
Enewetak Atolls (239+240PU). oessesssesssecesesescersseccsessseseetsenesesesescsssecssessscdccsescecsere 7
The median concentration in Bq g-1 dry weight of 137Cs, 90Sr, 239+240PuJ and
241Am in soil at Rongelap Island..............ccccsssssscsssescecerssecessnsescesasesneaesenescacdenssessesees 8
Diet Model—Rongelap Island. Local and imported foods available for puts
greater than 18 years...........csscccsssenssresssssecssssesscesecsessnsssecsceseeseceessesetenssceseaseetsepbessesteesees 9
Diet Model—Rongelap Island. Imported foods unavailable (only local[foods)

for adults greater than 18 years..............cccsecsssssssescssssscseeseessssesescessssesesescesseseefbessessees 13
Cesium-137 concentration in Bq g-! wet weight in Rongelap Island vegetation

(decay corrected to 1995). .......cesccssecssesssnssscssseeeessesssnssesessesenessensesessesmseenseene

Comparison of the average adult diet model for the Northern Marshafl Islands

with the average adult diet for the United States......0.......sssssescetsesseseeed eeseensnees 23
Body weights of Marshallese adult males in kg.........ccessssscsssesessreseseersedleeseesseees 27

10. Maximum annual organ equivalent dose rate and effective dose rate i


mSv y-! for Rongelap Island residents................ccccscccssssssesessseecesssstesssescereadhoseeeresees 29

The 30-, 50-, and 70-y integral effective dose for Rongelap Island residqnts

when imported f

are available (LA)............ccsccsccscessesssrccsessesessnsseeesebeceeneceees 30

12. The 30-, 50-, and 70-y integral effective dose for Rongelap

Island residqnts for a

diet when imported foods are unavailable (IUA,i.e., only local foods)J............ 31

13. Comparison of the doses estimated in 1982, based on the 1978 NMIRS


those in this report for the case of imported foods available..................J.....0 31

14. Annual effective dose rate from natural background in the United Stdtes.......32
15. Adopted guidelines for the

United States and Marshall

general public, natural background doses In the

Islands, and estimated doses from man-made

sources at Rongelap Island..............ccssssssssscssssssesssesssnssseceesseresensesscscesseserseedbessenseenens 32

16. The 30-, 50-, and 70-y integral effective dose for the various exposure


17. The average committed effective dose from Pu and Am at Rongelap sland in

MSV (MIOM).......ccceeecesssesscessessessccscsoseasssescessssessssssssarecsessnssseseaeeneeeesarcnssessecnees Peseseneneaees 34

Select target paragraph3