Table 14. Annual effective dose from natural

background in the United States.2
Source of radiation

Effective dose
mSv (mrem)

Cosmic radiation

- 0.27 (27)

Cosmogenic radionuclides

Terrestrial radiation
Inhaled radionuclides (radon)

Radionuclides in the body


a Data from NCRP (1987a).

Marshall Islands.

0.01 (1)

0.28 (28)
2 (200)

0.40 (40)
3 (300)

Thus, most of the natural

background in the Marshall Isiands is due to

external cosmic radiation and internal dose from

naturally occurring radionuclides in local foods.

The external dose from terrestrial radiation is

in local fresh and imported f
ingestion of these radionuclides, a
the quantities of different foods
annual effective dose as well) of[2.0 mSv y—!
(200 mrem y-!). Unlike the majority of dose from
man-made radionuclides, which is Herived from

137Cs associated with terrestrial fogds, 87% and
74% of 210Po and 219Pp, respectivelf, in the total

diet is derived from the local afd imported
aquatic foods, including seabirds] A detailed
report on the 210Po and 219Pb congpntrations in
Marshallese foods and the resultihg dose rate
calculations can be found in Ndshkin et. al

-Radiation dose guidelines arq established
without the inclusion of natural fbackground

very low.

dose at Rongelap Island of
(26 mrem y-!) is 26% of the current

0.22 mSv y-? (22 mrem y-!) (USAEC 1973;

recommended by the NCRP and
1987b; ICRP, 1990).

The effective dose rate from cosmic
radiation in the Marshall Islands is about

Gudiksen et al., 1976). An additional 0.18 mSv

Table 15. Adopted guidelines for the general public, natural background doses in the Unitgd States and
Marshail Islands, and estimated doses from man-madesources at Rongelap Island.

Population average effective dose rate mSv y~! (Inrem y-)

Adopted annual guideline

1 (100)

Rongelap Island: man-made sources

0.26 (26)

U.S. natural background

- 3 (300)

Marshall Island natural background
0.22 (22)
210Po9 (diet)
40K (diet)

210Pb (diet)

2.4 (240)

0.01 (1)

0.01 (1)
1.8 (180)

0.18 (18)


Rongelap Island: natural background plus

man-made sources

2.66 (266)

US. 30-y integral dose guideline


0.05 Sv> (5 rem>)

Rongelap: man-madesources (30-y integral dose)
0.0059 (0.59 rem)
a The source of these estimated doses are discussed in Noshkin et al. (1993).
b Whole-body equivalent dose.


Select target paragraph3