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1978 survey together with our mostrecent
Specific activity is based ondeterminations from samples taken from RongelapIsland from the

trips to Rongelap Island from 1986 through 1993.
Specific activity is unpublished data from the 1978 NMIRS.
Specific activity used is that of pork kidney.
Specific activity used is that of pork muscle.


wet weight) from Bikini Atoll
Specific activity calculated using the ratio (Bq g-' bird eggs wet weight versus Bq g-! bird muscle
(Robison et al., 1988).
Specific activity used is that of chicken muscle.
Specific activity used is that of turtle.

Specific activity used is that of Pandanus fruit.

Specific activity used is that of copra meat.
dry weight) from the other atolls
Specific activity used is calculated using concentration ratios (Bq g~! fruit wet weight versus Bq g-! soil
taken on the 1978 survey.
soil dry weight) from Bikini and Eneu
Specific activity used is calculated using concentration ratios (Bq g~ fruit weight versus Bq g"!
Islands at Bikini Atoll.

RBA ees< x


Specific activity used is calculated using the sameconcentration ratio for 29+240Pu and 41Am whenno datais
+240Py and “41Am are the same.

available and assuming

Specific activity used is that of squash.
Specific activity used is that of papaya.
Specific activity used is that of breadfruit.
Specific activity from Noshkinet al. (1981a).
Specific activity used is that of rainwater.

Specific activity is in Bq g-' dry weight.


hd-1 in the interior of Rongelap
Specific activity used is calculated using the time distribution of 16 h d-! in the village area versus 7


Select target paragraph3