performed previously on Enjebi Island and
background studies similar to that of 1 were
performed later on Eneu Island.
The “normal” or “background” mass loading
(the mass of solid material per unit volume of
air) measured by. gravimetric methods for both
atolls is approximately 551g m-3. The Bikini
experiments at Bikini Atoll show that about
34 ug m3 ofthis total is due to sea salt, which is
present across the entire island as a result of

ocean, reef, and wind actions. The mass loading
due to terrestrial origins is, therefore, about

21 pg m-3. The highest terrestrial mass loading
observed was 136 ug m-3 immediately after
Concentrations of 239+240Py in collected
aerosols were determined in areas (1) with

normal ground cover and conditions in coconut

groves, (2) with high-activity conditions, i.e.,

areas being cleared by bulldozers and being

tilled, and (3) with stabilized bare soil, i.e.,

cleared areas after a few days of weathering.

The plutonium concentration in the collected

aerosols is different from the piutonium
concentration in surface soil for each of these
situations. We have defined an enhancement

factor (EF) as the 239+240Pu concentration in the
collected soil aerosol mass (corrected to sea-salt

mass) divided by the 239+240Pu concentration in
surface-soil (0- to S-cm).

The EF obtained for normal conditions (using
standard, high-volumeair samplers) is less than

1; the EF for the worst-case, high resuspension
conditions is 3. The observed EF's at Bikini and

Enewetak Atolls are summarized in Table 3. The
EFof less than 1 (EF < 1) for the normal, open-air

conditions is apparently the result of selective
particle resuspension in which the resuspended
particles have a different plutonium
concentration than is observed in the total 0- to
5-cm soil sample. In other words, the particle
size and density, and the corresponding
radionuclide concentration of normally
resuspended material, is different from that of a
representative 0- to 5-cm soil sample. In
addition, approximately 10% of the mass_

observed on the filter is organic matter, which

has a muchlower Pu concentration than the soil.
Similarly, the enhancement factor of 3 for highresuspension conditions results from the increased
resuspension of particle sizes with a higher

plutonium concentration than that o
the total 0- to 5-cm soil sample.

the high-volume air sampler data for a
particular condition and repr
enhancement that occurs around indi
to their daily activities. These da
summarized in Table 3. The total e
factor used to estimate the amountof
plutonium is the EF multiplied b
Consequently, the total enhance
(TEF) used for normal resuspension ¢

1.5 (0.82 x 1.9) and for high re
conditions, 2.9 (3.1 x 0.92).
To calculate inhalation exposure,
that a person spends 1 h d-! in high
conditions (mass loading = 136 pg m
under normal resuspension condit

loading = 21 pg m-3) and has a brea

23 m? per day (1.2 m3 under high r
conditions and 21.6 m3 under normal r
The radionuclide concentratio in surface
soil (0- to 5- cm) for Rongelap Islanfi
the information necessary for calguiation of
plutonium and americium intake through

The median 239+240Pu and 241Am qbncentration

in surface soil in the island interiorfregion is a

factor of 6 higher than the 239+240Py

and 241Am

concentration in surface soil in the Willage and

housing area (Table 4). We assume for the 1 h d=!
in high resuspension conditiong that the
resuspended soil aerosol is based o@ the island
interior value for Pu and Am concpntration in

surface soil and that a person breaths

1.2 m of

air during that 1 h period. The
29h spent in
normal resuspension conditions is b
down as
e 7hd-! in non-occupatiogal activity
conditions in the island interior (isfand interior
median Pu and Am concentrationg in soil) in

which 8.4 m3 ofair is breathed.

e 7hd-! in non-occupational
activity in
the village area (village median
and Am
concentration in soil) in which 8.4[m3ofair is


* 9hd-! in resting conditions
area (village median Pu and Am c

in soil) in which 4.8 mé ofair is br

the village

Select target paragraph3