

feature of an atoll is that there is usually a pass or break between

some of the islands, thus

providing access to an excellent protected



The import of this information becomes clear when I tell you that

Killi, the present hone

of these people, is an island, a single island,

not part of an atoll, and not linked to any other island in any way.
Thus, all those advantazes of ‘atoll life are missing.
small enough on an atoll, is much less,

The land area,

There is no protected fishing

area, but only open ocean and surf pounding against a coral rock shore.
Even when the surf is not too rouch and the men are able to cet their

fragile canoes past the breakers and into the open sca, the results are
‘often disappointing or disastrous.

I saw a canoe broken by the surf

one day when a storm came up suddenly,
are available here,

No wars’, Lobster, or clams

Thus these people are

reduced to a slim diet.OL

fish, rather than the rich seafood diet they oreviously enjoyed,
The second major aspect
people to receive goods.

of the problem concerns the ability of these

The lack of a lagoon means the lack of the —

protected harbor which enables most Marshallese to unload their goods
from.the field trip ship with comparatively little difficulty.


Oe nee Hat rereae ReBeefe wii AL,

the Killi people are at a disadvantaze.


They mist unload their goods

on the open sea and negotiate them to shore through the breakers,


general, the ships! captains are reluctant even to stop at Killi

‘because of the danger to their smcll boats and outboard motors used
for unloading goods,

My husband and t lost at least $15 worth of our

Supplies because the boats were swaped several times on the day we
Toa nol oxauy rabing when Io say thab thease people have Lived

nhappy lives for
return to Bikini.

twenty years, longing for the day when they might
Their lives have even been temporary in the sence that

they felt no urgency to improve their homes or to maintain their school
and otther buildings, There has always been the fecling that the very
next day’ they might get word thas they could roturn to Bikini.

A lack

fa real sense of the future and a parallel lack of real understanding
of the intentions of the United States in record to their home atoll
have increased their confusion as this state of affairs has not been


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