-3scale, nor is there uniformity in the distribution of these materials in the
animal, and in the plant, or in the stream, or on the ground, or in the air,
I have discussed this a little because you will be dealing with some animals
and same plant materials, and you may be struck with the fact that your information is not comparable to that of your neighbor because you are using two
different animals.

That is why so much of the distribution data is plotted on the

basis of percentage,

The body is very much like an engine going at a modere

ate rate of speed, and you have to nick off your sampling while the engine is
working because the biological processes are working and you can't stop them.
If you stop them you get an abnormal result.

The problem is always to obtain

your data without your method of sampling causing distortions.

Of course by

eriment you do change the situation from time to time in order to bring out
certain deviations which give you a clue or might give you a clue to what the

normal physiology is.

nuthis concept cf the non-static position of biological

ateriate is a little bit new to biolosists in general, although many will not

admit that it has crept upon them from the period of the first use of isotopes.
Those of you who know ruch about the field know that before the war,



deal of work was being done with isotopes, and a great deal of confusion resulted.

Select target paragraph3