. Opening Speech by Stafford L. Warren, M.D.
eeeThe Course in The Applicstion cf Nuclear Physics to the Biological

and Medical Sciences convened on August 2, 1948 at 9:30 A.M. in the Chemistry
Building, University of Califcernie at Los angeles, “estwood, California...

Members of tunis class, it my pleasure to wele

come you and introduce the general chairman for the course.

It is not very often

. that the Unive: sity has had the pleasure cf playing host to a group as specialized
and select as this ane, coming as you do from the Vetrans Administration, the

Armed Forces, the universities, the State ami civie groups, Public Health Départ=
ments, and also the ranks of radiologists.

‘“e hope to repeat &he course o- a

modification of it every second year.
There is one piece of information you don't have.

The last lecture

will be given recent Nobel prize winner, Dr. Carl snderson of the California
Institute of Technology who will discuss cesmic rays ani the application of these
rays in the matter of this course.
Houally distinguished in the field of biophysics is the General Chairman

of this course, Dr. Stafford L. “arren, Dean pf the Medical School, University of
California, Los Angeles , of wom sost of you have heard.
of biophysics of this institution,

he is also & professor

Or. “arren.

DR. STAFFORD L. VARLEN: It gives me great pleasure

to welcome you here

for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that this is in a way the
first course given by the faculty of the non-existant medical school, plus a lot

of imported-telent »

This important talent is the littie brass" of this course,

and the nedical school talent is th- working group.

There are a lot of reasons

for this course that youprobebly all know individually since there is a wide
variety of representation here as Dr. Weinkerg pointed out.

There are two

fundamental reasons for this course being giventhis summer,

One ofcourse is the

desire of the University of California to take its place with other universities

in extending the knowledge, information and usefulness of radioactive isotopes
techniques throughout the country, and it is hoped that a goodly number of you
will return to your institutions and act there as a small focus to spread the

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