401429 DOR Fore BI29.2 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (.3-7o) FIELD TASK PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT ’h vP GIN MUAdaZR 2. TASK a, REV, no: FTOCASA TITLE (4. PROJECT NO.[5, CATE PREPARED 6, CONTRACTOR NUMBER NO. 7 P37 DE-ACO8-76NYO0920/000472. . B. WORK PACKAGE TITLE Human Health Effects Medical Surveys of Marshallese 9, BUOCGET AND REPORTING CODE |10. TASK TEAM Beatin: (mm ed HA 02-01-01(a) il. CONTAACTOR NAME yy) 13. CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER (Nama, FTS No.} Holmes & Narver, Inc., PTO 14, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS ; USDOE/PASO FTS No. 556-0220 Ask for (808) 422-921] [22. CODE (nee laa trusctions) fmm dd yy} Continuing W. J. Stanley,J: Dir ector, , End: - a Brookhaven National Laboratories 13. WORK LOCATION (See Inafrucnions): Name of fecility, City, State, 21P Code 16. Does this task include any minazement services efforts? Marshall LO ves Islands - TTPI fol NO 17. TASK DESCRIPTION (Approach, relation to work package, in 200 words or fess) See Attached Sheets. BEST COPY AVAILABLE oN i, CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER £ vA < ‘ , 4 ° (.- oo / . a ( c L aoe, {Signature 19. GEV AIL ATTACHMENTS: (See instrictions}, (Ja. Pachity Requirements (Jd. Background Ch, Vublticatiors {lis Durpese . \ (Je. Appreach (Of. Eechaigalpre J c Ce : a y , (_'g. Puturs accomplishments Tt [ 54 Z [ (Th, Palationshins to other projects (Ji. Environmental assesinest: x LD,’, Ty : - (Geter) CJj. Explanation of milestonss CJ&. Other (ecraty):