report on H.R. 3756 to reflect more accurately the
medical surveillance and treatment program and the

radiological survey program currently conducted by

the Department of Energy. That amendment contemplates
continuing Department of Energy responsibility for and
funding of the progran.
Section 201 provides that the Department of the Interior
shall pay the salary and expenses of the Government
Comptroiler of the Northern Mariana Islands. We
Support this section but recommend in our report the
specific inclusion of the Northern Mariana Islands in
the statute that extended the authority of the Comptroller of Guam to the Trust Territory of the Pacific
Present application of existing law would not
change, but such an amendment would ensure continued

application of the statute to the Northern Mariana
Islands at such time as the trusteeship over Micronesia
is terminated.
Section 303 would extend from December 31, 1980, to
December 31, 2010, the loan of approximately $36 million
to the Guam Power Authority guaranteed by the Secretary
of the Interior, provide for repayment through the
Government of Guam, and forgive interest to the Government of Guam. We disapprove of the interest for.giveness provision whereby the Government of Guam
would reap a windfall at the expense of the customers
of the Guam Power Authority and the Federal Government.
We recommend, however, an extension of the guaranteed

loan for 10 years.
Our proposed language for amending
Section 303 appears in our report on H.R. 3756.
Section 401 would extend the guaranteed borrowing
authority granted to the Virgin Islands under Public
Law 94-392 from the October 1, 1979, deadline to
October 1, 1989. The original purpose of such guaranteed
borrowing authority was to provide construction funds
for urgently needed public facilities that would also
result in economic stimulation in the years immediately
after 1976. We recommend in our report that Section
401 be amended to provide a 3 year extension until 1982,

by which time all such guaranteed funds would have to
be obligated.

Section 403 would enact the Administration request for
transfer to the Virgin Islands of property that was ac-

quired from Denmark by the United States and that was
not reserved or retained by the United States in

accordance with provisions of Public Law 93-435.

In addition, this section purports to transfer some 230
acres to the Government of the Virgin Islands in order





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