While it is possible under this language for a person to receive a third
payment if he suffers a third paragraph (1) milady, no such cases have


We hope none ch arise.

But if they |b, we believe such individals

are entitled to additional compensation.

Our proposed amencrent to

gection 104 (a) (3) would preserve the Secretary's right to determine the

amomt of additional payment for ancther milacy, and indeed, whether or
not such payment shall be mace at all.

Conoress has appropriated sufficient funds for compensation of the

Rongelap and Utirik fallout victims entitled to payment under P.L. 95-134,
including a small reserve for contingency cases. In addition to this
request for legislation, the Secretary intends to make a full report,
as required in P.L. 95-134, by December 31, 198, concerning whether or
not additional compassionate compensation may be justified for individuals
on Rongelap and Utirik Atolls.

The second provision we recommend be added to E.R. 3756 involves the

location of sessions of Legislature of the Virgin Islands. By resolution
nunbered 976, the 13th Legislature of the Virgin Islands has requested
that the Revised Organic Act.of the Virgin Islands be amended to permit
sessions of the Legislature to be held other than in the capitol of the
Virgin Islands at Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas. It is believed that

the requirement that such sessions be held in St. Thomas precludes

greater participation in the govermrental process by residents of
St. Croix and St. John. The Administration reconmends that the request
of the Legislature be accommodated and that H.R. 3756 be amended by

adding the following language:


The Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands is

amended by deleting subsection 7(b) (68 Stat. 500; 48 U.S.C. 1573(b)).
The Office of Management and Buiget has advised that there is m

ebjection to the presentation of this report from the standpoint
of the Administration's program.

fovea ey

James A. Joseph





Select target paragraph3