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The Secretary, upon determining that the Guam Power

Authority is unable to refinance on reasonable tems
the obligations purchased by the Federal Financing
Bank under the fifth sentence of this section by

~Decenber 31, 1980, may, with the concurrence of the

Secretary of the Treasury, guarantee for purchase by
the Federal Financing Bank, and such bank is authorized
to purchase, Cbligations of the Guam Power Authority

issued to refinance the principal amount of the obligations
guaranteed under the fifth sentence of this section. ‘The

Obligations that refinance such principal amount shall
mature not later than Decenber 31, 1990, and shall bear
interest at a rate determined in accordance with section

6 of the Federal Financing Bark Act (12 U.S.C. 2285).

Should the Guam Power Authority fail to pay in full any
installment of interest or principal when due on the
bonds or other obligations guaranteed under this section,
the Secretary of the Treasury, upon notice from the
Secretary; shall deduct and pay to the Federal Pinancing
Bank or the Secretary, according to their respective
interests, such umpaid amounts from sums collected and

payable pursuant to section 30 of this Act (48 U.S.C.

1421h). Notwithstanding any other provisions of la,
Acts making appropriations may provide for the withholding
of any payments from the United States to the Goverrmment
of Guam which may be or may become due pursuant to ary
law and offset the amomt of such withheld payments
against any claim the United States may have against
the Goverment of Guam or the Guam’ Power Authority
pursuant to this guarantee. For the purposes of
this Act, under section
3466 of the Revised Statutes
(31 U.S.€. 291) the term “patson" includés the - _

Section 401


Section 401 would extend the guaranteed borrowing authority granted
to the Virgin Islands under P.L. 94-392 from the October 1, 1979

Geadline to October 1, 1989. ‘The purpose of P.L. 94-392 was to _
provide construction funds for economic stimulation in 1976 and for _
urgently needed public facilities. ‘The Goverment of the Virgin
Islands has not, however, used much of this guaranteed borrowing
authority to finance capital projects. Of the $61,000,000 in

guaranteed borrowirg authority granted the Virgin Islands under



Select target paragraph3