
Meee 20 we

with the predicted human exposure, for each such

"(4) an education and informtion program

~ to enable the people of such atolls to mre fully
understand nuclear radiation and its effects, to.
the end that unrealistic fears will be minimized
and measures to discover, treat, or reduce man

exposure to radiation at such atolls will be

maximally effective.

"(b) (1) In the development and implementation of the program

provided by this section, the Secretary of nergy shall
consult and coordinate with the Secretary of the Interior,
the Secretary of Defense, the High Commissioner of the Trust
Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the President of the
Marshall Islands; and in consultation with the Natiqnal
Academy of Sciences, shall establish a scientific advisary
committee which shall. review and evaluate the condct of
such program and make such reconmerdations regarding its
improvement as they deem advisable.

"(2) At the request of the Secretary of Energy, any
Federal agency shall provide such informatiG&n,
facilities, legistical support, or other assistance as the
Secretary of Energy deems necessary to carry out the functions
of this program; the costs of all such assistance shall be
reimbursed to. the provider thereof out of the sums authorized
to be appropriated by this section.
"(3) There are authorized to be appropriated to the
Secretary of Fnergy such sums as may be necessary to plan,

implement, and operate the pro ram autherized ond directa

tobe providedby ‘this



* (c) The Secretary of Energyshall report to the appropriate

conmittees of the Congress, and to.
»people of the atolls
described in subsection {ay of
7, annually, cx

more frequently ifnecessaty, on thé activities of the program

pevtidet by this’Bection. Each such report shall include
a description of the health status of the individuals examined
and treated under the program, an evaluation of the program
bythe scientific advisory committee, and any recommendations
for’improvement of the condition of such individuals. ‘The
first such report shall be submitted not later than me

year after this section becomes lw.*


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Select target paragraph3