Page 3, Line 12
Replace “bulk” with “majority.”

Page 3, Line 18
Insert "by Mr. Mitchell” between "requested" and "to."
Page 3, Line 25

Typo - “believed”
Page 4, Line 7

Omit comma after "entitled."
Page 4, Line 9

Replace "for" with "to," and replace “adults” with "members."
Page 5, Line 20

Replace "...the radiation standards established by..." with "...the
radietion exposure limits recommended by..."
Page 6, Line 8
Insert “to” between "rise" and "that."
Page 7, Line 15

Typo - "earlier"

Page 7,Line 20, and Page 8, Line 17
"30-50 years" should be "30-65 years"
Page 7,

Line 20

..etrontium and cesium"
Page 7, Line 21
Suggest "...soil had resulted in potential radiation

ure limits."
levels which would be at least within the U.S. expos

Select target paragraph3