(Dr. Glenn T.

Seaborg, Chairman of the U. S. Atomic

Energy Commission, today issued the following statement on AEC's role in the decision to allow the
former residents of Bikini


to return to their atoll.)

It has been greatly satisfying to my fellow Commissioners
and me to take part in the decision,
President Johnson,

announced today by

to return the Bikinians to their atoll.

The attached AEC report on the radiation survey of Bikini was

a cornerstone of that decision.
The report, which declares the atoll once again safe for
human habitation,

represents the work of many highly qualified

including the scientific team which surveyed the islands

in 1967 and the special consultant committee of experts who
produced the report.
It has been just over 10 years since the last nuciear
test took place at Bikini on July 22,


The intervening

years have brought a remarkable recovery on the islands,


AEC sponsored research teams noted in both 1964 and 1967.
The 1967 survey was made at the request of the secretary
of the Interior whose department is responsible for the wel- :
fare of the Bikini natives.

The Bikinians were moved from

their atoll in 1946 before the first nuclear test took place.

The team which visited the atoli in 1967 included radiological and health physicists, marine biologists,

a tropical

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