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Civil Defense Iiaison Branch ee tt . Peg ye
“NSRB:Civil Defense:‘Bxercises.: Arepreseitattre:‘of.“the.Baanche
=was: present:-atethe.Chicago:Civil‘Defense:Exer¢ise:daringithe::
- September:25as “a member ‘of.-the:NSEB |Interdepartmental:“Warking ¢Froup.on
Interim Civil Defense Plansfor. Key Areas 5:Thig?‘project: was : the last.
of three exercises conducted jointly by the NSRBand selected m tro= oo
politan areas. The Chicago exercise was. attended by four state governors, some 20 state civil defense directors or their represents ives,
and representatives of approximately 150 local civil defense organiza-


Foreign visitors were present from Great Britain and Cahada.

Emergency Radiation Monitoring Program.

A meeting was Held in

Washington on September 22 of representatives of thefive Operdtions

Offices responsible for operation of this program in their restiective
areas. Agreements were reached as to allocation of territory for each
area, policy for contacts with local govermmental agencies, standardi-

zation of radio commmications equipment, permissible limits f¢r


and water contamination, emergency personnel permissible doses] loan of
instruments to state or city organizations for training purposfs, and several questions of administration of the program such as budgeting,

procurement, contract arrangements, identification cards for

bers, etc.

tbham mem-

The Civil Defense Office of NSRB is to be. asked to infdrm the

states of the establishment of the monitoring teams, clearly dtating
the limitations and responsibilities of the teams.
Radiological Monitor Instructor Training Program. Durjmg the
month a proposed certification for recognition of successful qompletion
of the various radiological monitoring courses given by the AH in colLaboration with the NSRB was worked out with the cooperation $f the

Division of Organization and Personnel and submitted to NSRB for concurrence.
Distribution of information.

Copies of the NSRB publifation

"United States Civil Defense’ were furnished each Operations Pffice and,

through the area coordinators, to the emergency radiation mozfitoring

Each center which gave the radiological monitor train Ing course

was provided with copies of the "Effects of Atomic Weapons"
warding to their students.

or for-

Radiation Instruments Branch

A conference on The Chemistry and Physics of Radiation Dosimetry,

sponsored jointly by the Department of Defense and the Atomif


Commission, was held on September 18, 19, and 20, 1950, at the Army

Chemical Center, Edgewood, Maryland. The problems concerniyp liquid,
crystal, self-developing photometric, and other types of dodimeters were
discussed. The current Department of Defense program in dogimetry was
discussed in a closed session on the third day.
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Select target paragraph3