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interpreted as dite to its action uponmolecules which affect mltin-.

molecular turn-over, that is, the’enzymes.


If the enzyme system Involved —

_ in euxinsupply1is Tedtosensitirey. the.free auxinreservoir. woul: ‘be. atin

synthesis. | Exposure of the ‘plant to radiation doses caused decréased-

growth and decreased auxin concentration. The effect of the lowjradiation doses can be reversed by applying synthetic growth hormone fo the

plant following irradiation. The effect of higher radiation dosks cannot be reversed, implying that a more profound biochemical inj
taken place such.as on the enzymes.

Morphological changes due to irradiation can likewise be


to be due, in part, to radiation sensitivity of the hormone sys fem.

Plant workers are familiar with the phenomenon of apical domi

terminal growing point, or bud, suppresses the growth of lateral]




When the terminal meristem is cut off, or severely injured, the] lateral

buds immediately leave their "dormant" state and begin growing.|
by the auxin produced by the terminal bud.

Thus, when the stem

removed and auxin alone is applied to the stump, the laterals
pressed as long as the auxin source is allowed to remain.
applied source is in turn removed, normal growth of the later
immediately initiated.


tip is

gtay supthe |


Terminal growing points of the cocklebur were irradiated with
single low‘doses of X-irradiation, the remainder of the plant feing

shielded with lead.

Lateral bud growthensued, the buds increksing over -

100 percent in size within 2 days. When auxin was applied to Ehe tips
immediately after irradiation, lateral buds stayed suppressed.{| We can
therefore conclude. that these apical dominance responses to ixfradiation
are chiefly, if not wholly, due to radiation sensitivity of tHe
supply system.

When growth hormone is present in tissues, it is relat}vely in-

sensitive to ionizing radiation: Auxin itself in plant tissug
appear to be unduly radiosensitive.

However, the process of

does not

Buxin forma-

tion is relatively sensitive to radiation, and provides an explanation,
in part, for changes in growth and development of higher pl

to relatively intense, low doses of ionizing radiation.

s exposed


Red Cross research contract (Harvard) on separation of white blood
celis and platelets. Within the past month investigators woyking on the.
above AEC-supported contract have devised means of separati
white blood
cells from other blood constituents. The separated white ceflis remain
viable for approximately 2 weeks, whereas white cells handlefi by ordinary

methods are destroyed almost immediately.

This development

fnarks a real

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Select target paragraph3