relations between the Scientific Director and the Senior AEC Rep~

7. An informal suggestion was made in October that Dr.
Graves be designated as AEC Representative in addition to his
duties as Scientific Director and Deputy for Scientific Affairs to
General Quesada.


in view of certain questions raised at

that time both as to the propriety of having the Commission represented by a contractor's employee and the undesirability of
piacing an additional administrative burden on Dr, Graves,

an al-

ternate solution is now offered.

This solution has the concurrence

of both Mr, Tyler and Dr. Graves,

and is also believed to answer

the Commission's requirements of good management and properly delegated authority.

It is proposed that,

at a time mutually agreeable to the

AEC and the Department of Defense,
Commander, Joint Task Force Three
test operation,

the Commission designate the
(General Quesada) as its over-all

As the individual charged with the success of the
it is clear that he is already ultimately respon-

Sible to both the AEC and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

To assist

General Quesada in this duty, a sentor officer from the Division
of Military Applicatior will be incorporated into his staff,
Sibly as Deputy Chief of Staff.


This officer will be the advisor

and executor on all AEC matters; as such he will represent the

both the Washington Staff and the Manager,


Similarly, Dr,


Santa Fe Opera-

as Deputy for Scientific Affairs,

will advise the Task Force Commander on sclentific requirements
and policy.
9. The Commission would thus be officially represented by a
very senior government employee, namely General Quesada, who in


Select target paragraph3