
Ambassador Rosenblatt
December 20,

Page 4°


pending upon the exact nature of the relationship


worked out..between you and the Marshall Islands in the,

current negotiations.

I also appreciate that you do

. .not-represent tthe: UnitedStates on all matters con. cerning. Micronesia.and, indeed, as you know from our

_.previous:.conversation, my view of the matter is. that
‘allfof-these: claims; and‘needs arise out of use, .or.

misuse if you will, by the trustee, of the propertyand®

- .. beneficiaries ‘of: ‘the trust. ‘Nonetheless, because of

~~ 9%." ™

ve.the: potential»‘deleterious effect of your current ap- =.
_ proach. to° negotiations with the Marshall Island. Political
Status:: Commission: upon the vital interests of our
clients;.we would.be happy to make ourselves available
to you ox ‘a member of your staff while you are on
Saipan next month to discuss these matters.

CE res,


sathe Sincerely, S

Theodore R.




James A. Joseph, Under Secretary, DOL
Adrian Winkel, High Commissioner, TIPI
Ruth Van Cleve, DOTA, DOI

Matthew Nimetz, DOS

' Amata Kabua, MIPSC

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