



8 December 1967, Volume 158, Number 3806

to produce absorption or emission spectra. We know from laboratory studies
the chief spectral lines produced by
each species in the range of wavelengths from 911.6 to 6800 A. Our
predictions of the ultraviolet spectra of
stars are based on the idea that any
theory and model, representing well
the part of the spectrum of a particular atom or ion observed in the spectral region 3000 to 6800 A, should
be also valid for prediction of the spectrum in the ultraviolet spectral region.

Ultraviolet Spectra of Stars
The ultraviolet spectra of stars are discussed from
both theoretical and observational viewpoints.
Anne B. Underhill and Donald C. Morton

From the shape, strength, and wavelength of stellar absorption lines, one
can deduce information about the com-

position, density, temperature, and state

of motion of the gas forming stellar
atmosphere. If emission lines are observed, further particular conclusions
can be drawn about the physical characteristics of the outer parts of the
stellar atmosphere. Ground-based observations of stars, with spectrographs
illuminated by light collected with
large telescopes, permit one to study
spectra from 3000 to 6800 A and into
the infrared in the parts of the spectrum that are not obscured by absorption bands originating in the earth’s
atmosphere. Extension of the observations into the infrared is done with
recording devices sensitive to low levels
of light for stars that are rather cool
and so produce much radiation at long
wavelengths. In practice, most stellar
spectroscopy is done between the lower
limit ‘of wavelength, 3000 A, imposed
by the ozone absorption bands of the
earth’s atmosphere and about 6800 A
—the long limit of wavelength of most
panchromatic photographic emulsions.
The stellar spectra are usually recorded
photographically; thus one may use
most efficiently the limited amount of
observing time that is available for
high-resolution spectroscopy with large
Dr. Underhill is professor of astrophysics at
the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. Professor Morton is a research astronomer at
Princeton University Observatory.


No atom, ion, or molecule in a gas

Rockets and satellites provide means

of transporting telescopes and spectrographs above the ozone of Earth’s atmosphere. Once an instrument is above
the ozone layers, one may expect to

record stellar spectra from 3000 A to

the Lyman limit of hydrogen at 911.6
A. Since interstellar space contains
neutral hydrogen atoms, radiation
emitted from stars more distant thas
the sun is absorbed strongly at wave-

lengths shorter than 911.6 A. At extremely





rays), interstellar space becomes again

fairly transparent, but normal stars are
not expected to radiate a measurable
amount of energy at such wavelengths.
It is practical and convenient to define the ultraviolet spectrum of stars
as lying between 911.6 and 3000 A.
Two questions arise: (i) Which stars
are expected to radiate in the ultraviolet spectral range at a detectable
level? (ii) Is it reasonable to expect the
spectral lines observed in the ultraviolet to contribute information not already available from the normally observed spectral region?
To answer these questions we must
consider the theoretical models used
to represent stellar atmospheres, and
the validity of our theory of the formation of stellar spectra. One should
remember that stellar atmospheres
consist of gas (atoms, ions, and molecules) through which a stream of radiation is flowing. The atoms, ions, and

molecules interact with the radiation

ever radiates only part of its spectrum,
although we frequently observe only
part of the spectrum because of the
restrictions imposed by our observation

techniques (untransparent windows, in-

cluding the earth’s atmosphere; insensitive recording devices at some wavelengths; and suchlike).

An important point is evaluation of
the reliability of our theories of the
formation of stellar spectra. Some

weaknesses are well known, and devia-

tions between predictions made with
the imperfect theory, and observations
can be interpreted qualitatively. One
can gain new information about the
stellar atmosphere by study of spectral lines when the deviations between
observed and predicted line profiles and
line strengths are largest. From our
studies of stellar spectra with groundbased spectrographs we think we know
what sort of spectral lines yield the
most information. Naturally, surprises

greet us in the ultraviolet spectral re-

gion, but they are a bonus that comes

with a successful program of observation—they are not the primary reason
for making the observations.
Before looking at the answers to the
questions just posed and at the available observational material, we should
remark that the light reaching the earth
from the stars has passed through vast
distances in interstellar space. The gas
and dust lying between the earth and
the stars absorb stellar light and form
interstellar absorption lines in a stellar
spectrum. These interstellar spectral
features are expected to, giva pitch ia-

formation about ‘the physical conditions

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