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EMU-4...The ‘New Look’ in Electron Microscopes

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Front-loaded magazine holds 6 cassettes

hich plate size is best
for electron micrographs ?
Thebestplate size is a standardsize,

for only a standardsize gives you a
selection of emulsion characteristics,
is easily and quickly available in local supply and demands no premium
in price.
The EMU-4 plate cassette—there
are six in a magazine load—is designed with those thoughts in mind:
They accommodate —interchangeably —the standard 2” x 10” spectroscopy plate or the standard 314”
x 4” projector-slide plate or cut film
in 4” x 10”pieces ( whichis precisely
one-half of a standard 8”x 10”piece
of sheet film).
Since they are universally avail-

able, these plates are competitively
Nationwide maintenance service available
from RCA Service Company.


priced, offer wide choices of emulsion types and are usually stocked at
local supply houses.
Using standard-size photo materials is but one of the manyfeatures
of the new EMU-4. Among the

others are: transistorized, modular-

ized electronics; an almost-impossible-to-contaminate objective aperture; a truly universal specimen
chamber; a quick-change specimen
airlock and many others.
For additional information, write
RCA Scientific Instruments, Bldg.

15-5, Camden, N, J. 08102. In Can-

ada: RCA Victor Co., Ltd., Mon-

treal. Overseas: RCA International
Division, Clark, N, J. 07767.

The Most Trusted Name in:Electronics



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