-5they arrive at the lower tropospheric levels.
.- Ultimate Br’? soil concentration, if present tropospheric activity levels

are maintained>


(= Ga x 207) e207) = 2x20! ayn/te.? -

or, by miltiplying by 2.8 x 107 £t2/mt® = 5.6 x 102La/ms®

| and, by dividing by 2.2 x10? d/m/me := 2.5 x0 ne/mi®
. ir the present level has beena existence for 3 years and if negligible
levels were encountered prior to thie:



- _presdnt a? soillevel at Woshington,De.

* (2.5.x: 10° mo/mi? )x (1.eat)



vhere x) =BB

and +t

“ 3 yr.

= 0.07 (2.5 x 10” m¢/mt?)
| z= 17




These calculatias consider only that rein is the principle mechanism of
ex’? end BaD deposition and that similar efficiencies are obtained.

for either RaD or gr’? would serve ag @ check on these values.

Soil analysis


_ Libbey, in an address defore the American Physical Society, Philadelphia, Pa.

April 20, 1956, reported average total deposit of Br’. in US to be about 13 me/mi*,Ww
which is in reasonable agreemrit with the 17 me/mi= we estimated for a year leer. ny

Select target paragraph3