
TaREMge “Uh OR eames: an


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depth, it may be possible to determine the “normal” BaD content of the soil
resulting from the radium to radium-D conversion within the soil.


deficiency of RaD in the top mostportion of the soil would be representative of

the ratio of esission of redon to deposition of ReD.

. wd


‘The excess or

In certain areas (deserts)

there ‘should be w deficiency of RaD in the top aotl; in other, there should be an
excess. ‘Erronecus results would be obtained in areas with mich rainfall due to
run off and/or leaching.

Tob determine the ebsolute rate offatesion of radon, it

might be necessary to construct # dead air space above the soil and determine the

equilfbrita value of radon inthis space.


the importance of such & deteraination of ¢ radon in sir to RaD in soil is that

© sort of relation should be developing between er”?in air and in soil.


radou/RaD ratio should be an equilibrium value and should give a "coupling" factor
with er? air concentrations to give the ultimate ere? soil concentrations

{ven location and perhaps transferred to other locations if corrections for the

i different meteorlogical conditions could be applied.

‘he average air concentration

ao of sr? could then be used to estimate the deposition rates at any location where such
air concentrations vere available.

‘This would be of even more velue when

air concentrations becowe more uniform throughout the world.
sexple would be required in only a few representative cress.


‘Then continuous air

Select target paragraph3