We have measured with aircraft the radon concentration to 5,000 meters under
different meteorological conditions in the Southwest of France above Landes and
Armagnac=Bigorre not far from the Atlantic Ocean.

We assume that the radon is

in equilibrium with its descendants and calculate its concentration from that
of the daughter products.

The apparatus has been designed so that it can be used

with aircraft or with captive balloons.


Airborne aerosols are collected on a filter by a pump and the activity is

measured during sampling.


With the aircraft we use two techniques.

The first consists in sampling

at a fixed altitude (sampling time is a function of the activity and of the
desired precision).

The filter which collects the radioactive faughter

products is counted during the sampling and is changed at each altitude.


concentration is thus determined directly for each level and it is possible to
cover a considerable range of altitudes in a few hours.

In the second procedure

we take the samples continuously during climb or descent of the aircraft without
changing the filter, the activity being measured continuously.

This method

allows studying the activity at different altitudes in relatively short time but
it is necessary to analyze the activity curve to obtain the varlations of radon
In both cases we make simultaneous measurements at the surface.
With the captive balloons we place several samplers along the cable with one
at the surface.

The activities of the filters and the meteorological data are

transmitted by telemetry.

Select target paragraph3