at around 50-100 keV as the detector height is


The relatively high photoelectric cross section in soil

compared to air causes it to act as a sink for low energy

y-rays, an effect which is enhanced the lower the source

To further illustrate the magnitude of this
effect, we have also shown in Figure 2 the spectrum for a
l MeV source at 1 meter in an infinite air medium instead
of a soil-air medium.
For this source energy the difference
in the total exposure rate is only about 5% in all since
about 50% of the exposure rate is due to unscattered y-rays.
At lower source energies, where the scattered y-rays

contribute a larger portion of the total expcsure rate, the

effect on the total exposure rate of using infinite air
calculations would be more significant.

Integral Exposure Rate Spectra

Another way to examine the effect of different regions
of the energy spectrum on the total exposure rate is to
examine the integral exposure rate spectrum, i.e. the
fraction of the total exposure rate due to y-rays of energy
less than E.
This approach can be extended easily to the
analysis of the composite *3°y and 7°*Th spectra.
Figure 3
illustrates that as the detector height increases the

fraction of the total exposure rate due to low energy



The effect is more pronounced the lower

the initial source energy since the percentage of unscattered

y~-rays is lower and the fractional change in energy due to
a collision is smaller.
For the 2.5 MeV source only 2% of
the exposure rate is from y~-rays of less than 100 keV at
h = 1 meter and only 5% at h = 100 meters, while for a .364
MeV source, the corresponding values are 13% and 30%.
values at the source energy in Figure 3 indicate the

fraction of the exposure rate due to-scattered y-rays.


of course,

decreases with increasing energy.

Figure 4 shows the integral spectra for *°K,

and **°7Th series.


#3°U series

The U and Th spectra are quite similar.

Select target paragraph3