analogous transcurrent faults of the
Scottish Highlands.
The conference was arranged by
Marshall Kay (Columbia University)
with support from the National Science Foundation and the participation
of the Geological Society of Canada.
The proceedings of the Gander Conference including both papers andtheir .
discussion will be published in a symposium volume shortly to be issued
by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists,
Rutgers—-The State University
of New Jersey, Newark

Let us Show You —

What these new microscopic techniques .

Can do for You
interference Contrast (Nomarski)

This new contrase technique reveals specimen
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Contrast Fluorescence Microscopy

This technique enables examination of fluorescent

specimens in positive and negative phase contrast

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Microphotometric Measurements
For che quantitative determination of reflectivity,
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Automatic Photomicrography
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Calendar of Events

These and other advanced techniques in optical

‘National Meetings

microscopy are available to you with the...



28-30. Archaeological Inst. of America,
Boston, Mass. (C. Grandjouan, Archaeological Inst. of America, 100 Washington

Sq. East, New York 10003)

28-30. Econometric Soc., annual mtg.,

The “ZETOPAN" has built-in illuminating
systems for reflected, transmitted and mixed light.
Separace independent tube for convenient
photomicrography. Automatic and semi-automatic

Request literature and demonstration of the “ZETOPAN”’
_ Write co:

Washington, D.C. (Administrative Assist-

William J. Hacker & Coa., Inc.

New Haven, Conn. )

Box 646, West Caldwell, New Jersey 07006
(201) 226-8450

ant, The Society, Box 1264, Yale Station,

29, Scientific Research Society of Amer-








155 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn.)

4-6. Human Factors in Automotive En-

gineering Design, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Society of Automotive Engineers, Continuing
Education Program, 485 Lexington Ave.,
New York 10017)
7~12, American Chemical Soc., New
Orleans, La. (Meetings Manager, 1155
16th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036)
8-9, National Specialists Symposium on

Orbital Resonance, Redondo Beach, Calif.
(G. S. Gedeon, Systems Group, TRW, Inc.,

One Space Park, Redondo Beach 90278)
8-12. Automotive Engineering Congress

and Exposition, Detroit, Mich. (W. I.

Marble, Soc. of Automotive
Meetings Div., 485 Lexington
York 10017)
9-11, Chemical Marketing,
N.J. (Saul Gordon Associates

Ave., New

Center for

Professional Advancement, P.O. Box 66,

Hopatcong 07843)
10-13. National Soc. of Professional Engineers, winter mtg., Washington, D.C. (P.
H. Robbins, NSPE, 2029 K Street NW,
Washington, D.C. 20006)

{4-18. Society for Cryo-Ophthalmologists, Miami Beach, Fla. (J. G. Bellows,
Executive Sceretary, 30 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill. 60602)
_ 45-16. Medical Library Board, Washington, D.C. (Medical Library Assoc., Inc.,
919 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Tl.)
!5-17, Noise Measurement and Control,
Hopatcong, N.J. (Saul Gordon Associates
Center for Professional Advancement, P.O.
Box 66, Hopatcong 07843)

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