ticipants will concentrate on theory, others on data, and
still others on case histories supporting or refuting hypotheses that have been advanced to date in economics
and anthropology regarding the contexts and limitations of

entrepreneurship, for example, entrepreneurship is meaningful only in terms of West European capitalism. Non-Western
economic behavior and practices require other concepts; entrepreneurship is said to be nonexistent or to be performed

fer, with special emphasis on the role of mediation. Postman’s address will be directed at an evaluation of the
present status of two-factor theory, and in particular current interpretations of the process of unlearning.

Murray Glanzer, Endel Tulving, Edwin Martin, James
Greeno, John Ceraso, Geoffrey Keppel, Jack Richardson,
and Leo J. Postiman.

by marginal “brokers” in nonliterate peasant subcultures

The Emotionally Disturbed Child in the Public School

the operation of the principle of limited good. That type

Arranged by Dale B. Harris (Pennsylvania State University).
The problems of exceptional children have become particularly acute with the rapid expansion of the child population in the 1940’s following a decade of depression in
which attention was given to economy and to subsistence
needs of people rather than to educational and welfare
needs of special groups. Consequently, in the 50's, we
found ourselves completely unprepared to handle the populations of children with special needs. A number of crash
programs of education and welfare have been adopted.
Many of these have been established at the federal level
as a device for urging states to undertake their rightful

because of indigenous or “pre-industrial” value systems or
of entrepreneurship develops very sophisticated forms in
non- and semi-literate lower class segments of society, in

contrast to its weak elaboration among the elite. and reflects the assimilative character of “transitional” society.

The symposium is structured in such a way as to per-

mit as much exchange among participants on cross-cultural
cases as the occasion may warrant. It will be divided into

three sessions, each of which will focus on a specific area.
The fourth will have to do mainly with terminological
problems, theory, the implications of entrepreneurship in
the public domain, and the role of entrepreneurship in
policy for accelerating socio-economic change.

John Middleton, Richard P. Schaedel, John Harris,
Charles Frank, Marvin Miracle, and Gloria Marshall.
Manning Nash, Anthony Leeds, Tony Bonaparte, Calvin
P. Blair, and Victor Goldkind.
Richard Lambert, Waiter Neale, Arafin Siregar, and

George Weightman.

Edward LeClair, George Dalton,
Stefan Robock, and Warren Dean.






The emotionally disturbed child has recently become

the object of such action. This category of children, long

known to psychiatry and clinical psychology, poses sev-

eral special problems when aids are devised for it through
the agency of the public school. First, there is the problem
of criteria for selection for special attention. In the second
place, there exists no body of literature pertaining to special facilities, programs, and curricula for the education
of these groups within the context of the educational insututuion. Such modes of “re-education” as exist have been
developed principally within the psychiatrist’s purview and

Transfer, Interference, and Forgetting (30 Dec.)

the special facilities of the mental hygiene clinic. In the

Arranged by Leo J. Postman (University of California,

their responsibilities to this group, a wide variety of privately sponsored attempts have arisen to reeducate these
children. Thus, the problem of certifying such agencies
in the public interest exists as a significant one at the

third place, because schools have been slow to pick up

The purpose of this symposium is to discuss current
theoretical and experimental approaches to the analysis of
transfer and interference in verbal learning. Since interference theory includes a widely applied interpretation of
the forgetting process, the papers will be addressed to
problems of both acquisition and of retention. A variety of

theoretical positions and experimental programs will be

Tulving’s work centers on the role of subjective organization,








learner on the materials to be recalled. Ceraso’s studies
emphasize the sources of interference which come into
play during tests of recall. Greeno’s experiments are car-

ried out within the framework of a mathematical model
of the associative process. Martin’s investigations are designed to specify the role of stimulus factors in transfer,

as exemplified by the discrimination and recognition of
stimuli in successive tasks. Keppel is concerned with the
application of the principles of the two-factor theory of

interference which attributes retention loss to the unlearning of old associations during the acquisition of new ones
and the competition between available responses at the
time of recall. Richardson is engaged in a systematic
analysis of the component mechanisms of positive trans8 DECEMBER 1967

present time.
James Tomkins, Gabriel Simches, Shirley Cohen, Dale
B. Harris, Wilbert W. Lewis, J. David Colfax, and Irving
L. Allen.

Attitude Change: Recent Developments in Experimental


Arranged by Irving L. Janis (Yale University).
In the first talk. a series of recent experiments which
were designed to test several explanatory hypotheses that

might account for the conflicting results from prior experi-

ments in forced compliance will be discussed. In these experiments. people are induced to play a role or to write essays in which they take a stand that goes counter to, their
own position. The new series of experiments specified the
conditions under which the amount of monetary incentive

will be positively or negatively related to the amount of
attitude change.
The second talk will deal with a series of experiments

that were stimulated by the discovery of an anomalous
Sequence effect: it was repeatedly found that in face-to1357

Select target paragraph3