the parent wild-type strain and containing approximately three times the

usual number of chloroplasts. Further

subculturing has resulted in cells which

have reverted to a normalsize but have
kept their additional number of chloroplasts.
To determine whether the mutation
consisted of interference with either
chloroplast development or chloroplast
replication, we extracted DNA from
both the wild-type strain and mutant
strain, WiBVL (79), by the Marmur
method (20) as modified for Euglena

by Leff et al. (21). The preparation
was analyzed for chloroplast DNA by

density-gradient centrifugation carried
out in a Spinco Model E ultracentrifuge
for 40 hours at 44,770 rev/min. So
that we mightsee the satellite bands, we
overloaded the centrifuge cells with
DNA, 160 to 170 yg being added to
each cell. A sample of SP-8 phage DNA
was used as a density marker (22), and
the DNA buoyant densities were cal-

culated according to the procedure of
Schildkraut et al. (23). Figure 2 repreSents the tracing of patterns obtained
directly from the ultracentrifuge using
a photoelectric scanner attachment
As in previous studies of DNA extracted from either wild-type E. gracilis
satellite bands are observed in addition
to the main band of nuclear DNA.
These satellite bands appear at buoyant
densities (p) of 1.693 g/cmand 1.689
g/cm? and represent mitochondrial
DNA and chloroplast DNA, respectively (Fig. 2A) (25), The DNA of
the mutantstrain contains only a single
satellite band (p = 1.693 g/cm‘) repreThis type of pattern has been reported
for various bleached mutant strains of


E. gracilis and is considered to represent those cells which can no longer

produce chloroplasts by virtue of having lost their chloroplast DNA.
In these experiments it appears that


a me os



visible light, acting through the endogenous chlorophyll pigment, is responsible for the disappearance of DNA associated with chloroplasts and consequently for the disappearance of all


plastid structures from the mutantcells.
The mechanism is unknown, but



DENSITY (g/cm?)

Fig. 2. Tracings of ultraviolet absorbing
material separated by CsCl density-gradient centrifugation of DNA from Euglena
gracilis var. bacillaris. The samples were
centrifuged at 44,770 rev/min at 20°C for
40 hours. The band at p = 1.743 g/cm}
is a marker DNA of known density from

phage SP-8. As both samples were overloaded, only the ascending and descending
limbs of the nuclear DNA band can be
observed at p = 1.712 g/cm. (A) represents DNA extracted from wild-type E.
gracilis var. bacillaris and is similar to
previously reported patterns with the nuclear DNA band at p = 1.712 g/cm? and
a double satellite representing both chloroplast DNA (9 = 1.689 g/cm?) and
mitochondrial DNA (o = 1.693 g/cm’).
(B) is the tracing obtained from the DNA
of the mutant strain WiBVL, which has

only a single satellite band at » = 1.693




and lacks any trace of a chloroplast DNA




these organisms (27).

or certain colored mutant strains, two

senting mitochondrial DNA (Fig. 2B).


velopment of aplastidic colonies is made
possible by the use of a heterotrophic
medium which provides the cells
with nutrients usually made available
through photosynthesis. In an autotrophic medium this type of mutation
would appear as an increase in cell
death inasmuch as survival of the cells
depends on their ability to photosynthesize.
We therefore conclude that in the
case of microorganisms containing chlorophyll, sunlight may act as a natural
mutagenic agent and thus serve as an
important factor in the evolution of

could involve photosensitized oxidation of DNA directly or photooxidation of some of the crucial enzymes involved in DNAreplication. The mutagenic mechanism does not appear to be
due to localized heating brought about
by the absorption of intense visible
radiation, for the induction of white

mutant colonies by heat requires active

cell division over several generations
(26). At the high light intensities we
used, there was no cell division during

the 6-hourirradiation period.

Thus, visible light, in the absence of
an exogenous photosensitizing pigment
can produce viable and stable muta-

tions. Our ability to observe this mutation instead of the killing effect
reported previously for visible light, is

due to the fact that E. gracilis can live
equally well on a heterotrophic or auto-

trophic medium. The growth and de-


Department of Pharmacology,
Tufts University School of Medicine,
Boston, Massachusetts 02111
References and Notes
1.H, F. Blum, Photo-dynamic Action and
Diseases Caused by Light (Reinhold, New
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2. R. W. Kaplan, Nature 163, 573 (1949); Arch.
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3. B. A. Kihlman, Nature 183, 976 (1959);
R. B. Uretz, Radiat. Res. 22, 245 (1964); M.
M. Roth, J. Bacteriol. $3, 506 (1967).
4. M. M. Mathews, J. Bacteriol, 85, 322 (1963).
5. R. W. Kaplan and C. Kaplan, Exp. Cell
Res. 11, 378 (1956).
6. M. R. Zelle and A. Hollaender, in Radiation Biology, A. Hollaender, Ed. (McGrawHill, New York, 1955), vol. 2, p. 365.
. H. E. Kubitschek, Science 155, 1545 (1967).
.N. I. Krinsky, in Photophysiology, A. C.
Giese, Ed. (Academic Press, New York, in
press), vol, 3,
9. C. L. Greenblatt and J. A. Schiff, J. Protozool. 6, 23 (1959).
16. H. Lyman, H. T. Epstein, J. A. Schiff,
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 50, 301 (1961).
11. C. Sironvai and O, Kandler, ibid. 29, 359
12. W. R. Sistrom, M. Griffiths, R. Y¥. Stanier,
J, Cell. Comp. Physiol. 48, 473 (1956).
13. N. I. Krinsky, in Biochemistry of Chloroplasts, T. W. Goodwin, Ed. (Academic Press,
New York, 1966) vol. 1, p. 423.
14. M. S. Bamji and N. I. Krinsky, J. Biol
Chem. 240, 467 (1965).
15. N. IL. Krinsky and A. Gordon, Fed. Proc. 24,
232 (1965).
16. W. A. Maxwell, J. D. MacMillan, C. O.
Chichester, Photochem. Photobiol. 5, 567
17, J. D. MacMillan, W. A. Maxwell, C. O.
Chichester, ibid., p, 555.
18. J. A. Schiff and H. T. Epstein, in Reproduction: Molecular, Subceilular and Cellular,
M. Locke, Ed. (Academic Press, New York,


phyll. With one exception these white
colonies have not reverted to green
cells. The exception was observed in a
stationary-phase liquid culture of one
of the white colonies, where green cells
started to appear. These were abnormal
Euglena, about five times the size of

1965), p. 131.

19. The system used for identifying mutant
Strains of E. gracilis has been borrowed from
Drs. J. A. Schiff and H. T. Epstein, Department of Biology, Brandeis University; W
indicates white, B indicates bacillaris strain,
and VL represents the mutagenic agent, that
is, visible light.
20. J. Marmur, J. Mol. Biol. 3, 208 (1961).
21. J. Leff, M. Mandel, H. T. Epstein. J. A.
Schiff, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 13.
126 (1963); M. Edelman, thesis, Brandeis
University (1965).
22. We thank Drs. H. V. Aposhian and M.
Nishihara of the Department of Microbiology, Tufts University School of Medicine
for the sample of highly purified SP-8 phage

23. C. L. Schildkraut, J. Marmur, P. Doty, J.
Mol, Biol. 4, 430 (1962).
24 We thank Dr. R. H. Haschemeyer of the
Department of Biochemistry, Tufts University
School of Medicine for assistance in carrying
out the analytical ultracentrifuge analyses.


Select target paragraph3