the MAK and the freon columns. A
typical elution profile of the bacterial
leucyl-tRNA on the latter column is
shown in Fig. 3. There were at least
four major peaks in the bacterial system, but only two were detected in
the avian system. Moreover, the elution profiles of adult and embryonic
leucyl-tRNA’s appeared to differ slightly.



embryonic peaks


further apart. However, the significance of this difference is not clear at
the moment.
Thus, the




tRNA’s from immature erythrocytes
of chick embryos and from reticulo-

cytes of adult chickens by chromatography on the MAKand freon columns

has revealed that the elution pattern
for methionyl-tRNA changes during
development, whereas the patterns for
the four other amino acids studied
remain essentially unaltered with a





However, it is possible that changes in

other untested tRNA’s may exist. The

fact that remarkably similar elution
patterns of the other aminoacyl-tRNA’s
were observed apparently eliminates
the possibility of ribonuclease activity
as a major factor in the observed
change in methionyl-tRNA. In a later
experiment, we examined the embryonic methionyl-tRNA with the use of
the same 14C-methionine sample as
we had used for the adult tRNA in
Fig. 2. Because the expected embryonic. pattern was observed, it seemed

unlikely that the difference illustrated
in Fig. 2 is due to contamination in

the 3H-methionine. The identical elution
profiles obtained either by 1C-, 3H-,
double-, or single-labeling techniques
(as in the case of tyrosyl-tRNA) demonstrated that these profiles are re-

producible and reliable.

The actual mechanism and biological significance of this change are not
clear at the moment. The observed
modification in methionyl-tRNA dur-

ing development may be a change of
either the tRNA molecules or of the

specificities of the
synthetases involved.
also be involved in
protein synthesis at

The tRNA may
the regulation of
the translational

level (7). Moreover, our finding is of

particular interest because


methionyl-tRNA from E. coli plays a
crucial role in the initiation of protein
synthesis in bacteria (7). Two methionyltRNA’s of E. coli have been reported (72); one of these can be con-

verted to N-formyl-methionyl-tRNA,
and the other does not accept formyl

groups. Our finding that methionyltRNA’s are modified during development agrees with the expectation based
on the model of regulation that a
change in tRNA molecules may lead
to an alteration in their functional capacity and thus may affect translation.
Department of Biology,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Cambridge 02139

References and Notes
1. N. Sueoka and T. Kano-Suecka, Proc. Nat.
Acad, Sci. U.S. 52, 1535 (1964); B. N. Ames
and P, Hartman, Cold Spring Harbor Symp,

Quant. Biol. 28, 569 (1963); G. S. Stent,

Science 144, 816 (1964).

2. T. Kano-Sueoka and N. Sueoka, J. Mol. Biol.

20, 183 (1966).

3. L. C. Waters and G. D. Novelli, Proc. Nat.
Acad. Sci. U.S, 57, 979 (1967).
4. A. D. Kelmers, G. D. Novelli, M. P. Stulberg, J. Biol. Chem. 240, 3979 (1965).
5. I, Kaneko and R. H. Doi, Proc, Nat, Acad.
Sci. U.S, 55, 564 (1966).
6. J. F. Weiss, A. D. Kelmers, M. P. Stulberg,
Fed. Proc. 26, 2667 (1967).
7. L. Felicetti. B. Colombo, C. Baglioni, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 119, 120 (1966).
8. H. Fraenkel-Conrat, B. Singer, A. Tsugita,
Virology 14, 541 (1961).
9. Escherichia coli B was obtained from Calbiochem, Los Angeles, California.
0. G, A. Bray, Anal. Biechem. 1, 279 (1960).

1. K, A. Marcker and F. Sanger, J. Moi. Biot.

8, 835 (1964).
12. B. F. C, Clark and K. A. Marcker, ibid.
17, 394 (1966); D. A. Kellogg, B. Doctor,
J. Loebel, M. W. Nirenberg, Proc, Nat.
Acad. Sci. U.S. 55, 912 (1966),

13, We thank Miss Joanne Wirsig and Mrs.
Leslie D. Schroeder for technical assistance.
Supported by grant AM 08390 from NIH.
25 October 1967


A Mutagenic Effect of Visible Light Mediated by Endogenous
Pigments in Eugiena gracilis
Abstract, Mutant cells lackng chlorophyll, chloroplasts, and chloroplast DNA
were produced by irradiating Euglena gracilis in aerobic conditions with visible
or red light (greater than 610 nanometers) of an intensity equivalent to that of

direct sunlight. The photosensitizer is apparently the endogenous chlorophyll
present in the chloroplasts. These mutants are comparable to those induced by
ultraviolet light, x-rays, heat, or streptomycin. Our findings indicate that visible

light can serve as a mutagenic agent in the absence of exogenous photosensitizers,
thus directly effecting the course of evolution of organisms containing chlorophyll.

.In the presence of a suitable exogenous photosensitizing dye, cells exposed
to visible light and air display a photodynamic action, which can be lethal
(J) or mutagenic (2) in nature. In the

latter case the photosensitizer can be
preferentially bound to nucleic acids
(3) and may act directly as a “photomutagenic” agent, whereas, in other

cases, the mutagenic mechanism is not
clearly understood (4). In the absence
of an exogenous photosensitizer, it has
not been possible to demonstrate mutagenesis with visible light under normal
physiological conditions. Kaplan and
Kaplan (5) have reported the appearance of S-mutants of Serratia marcescens from cells which had been initially dehydrated and then rehydrated
and exposed to visible light. Except for

this experiment, it is generally held that
light with wavelengths above 300 nm
has primarily lethal action but very
little mutagenic action (6), although
there is no doubt that near-visible light

(320 to 400 nm) can be mutagenic
(7). The conditions which limit mutagenesis with visible light include the
absence of endogenous photosensitizers
or the development of suitable protec-

tive mechanisms such as those which

operate to prevent the damage caused

by aerobic photosensitivity (8). We report here the induction of a mutation

(that is, a stable, heritable change ex-

pressed in the phenotype) by visible

light in Euglena gracilis in the absence

of exogenous photosensitizers.
Euglena gracilis var. bacillaris was
cultivated on Hutner’s medium



with continuous shaking under

visible light (275 lumen/m*) (9). Cells

taken during the logarithmic phase of

growth were transferred to flat-sided
tissue-culture flasks and immersed in an
aquarium tank maintained at 23°C. Air

was bubbled through the flasks for the
duration of the experiment, both to insure adequate aeration and to avoid

settling of the cells. Illumination was

by means of a Sylvania Sun Gun II
(650 watts), and the intensity was de-

termined with a Yellow Springs In-

dustry radiometer, Model 65. For those

experiments involving red-light irradiation, a Corning C.S. No. 2-61 glass filter
which transmits light only above 610
nm, was placed in front of the culture
flask. Illumination was continued for as
long as 6 hours, during which time the
temperature within the flask, monitored
with an electronic thermometer, was



Select target paragraph3