



ml of nicotin-



(10 mg/ml), 4 ml of phenazine methosulfate solution (0.2 mg/ml), and 20

mg of nitro blue tetrazolium. Gels incubated in this mixture for about 1 hour
at 20°C begin to show purple formazan
in areas of GDH activity. One fly has
sufficient enzyme activity to give dark

areas. To insure that minor components

were detected, the gels were incubated
overnight in this mixture.

It was found that inbred strains of
D. melanogaster may be divided into
two types

according to the

did not observe this

heterogeneity in her experiment; however, Hubby and Lewontin (8) observed two areas of GDH activity in
all strains of D. pseudoobscura,
Crosses between the two different
types yield hybrids which have five
visible components with GDH activity.
There are three major components: the
two parental ones and a hybrid with
intermediate mobility (Fig. 1). The only
minor components that are detectable

duced by Gdh*/Gdh* heterozygotes.
The -approximate cytological position of the Gdh locus is known from
analysis of Df(2L)GdhA. This second
chromosome deficiency was selected
from x-irradiated chromosomes which
lacked the wild-type allele of cl (clot

eye color). In one case the irradiation
induced a deficiency which included
both ci+ and Gdh. The electrophoretic
pattern of Df(2L)GdhA/Gdh® is like
that of Gdh® homozygetes, and Df(2L)
GdhA/ GdhFis like Gdh® homozygotes.
are those of the slow-type parent. In salivary gland chromosomes there
Other minor components in the hybrid
are a few bands missing. On Bridges’
are obscured by the three major com(11) salivary chromosome maptheleft
ponents. The presence of a hybrid break of Df(2L)GdhA is between 25El
major component indicates that the
and 25F1. The right break is between
GDH molecule contains at least two
26B1 and 26C1. The locus of Gdh
protein subunits. The parental major must therefore be between 25E1 and
components contain two subunits that 26C1.
are alike; the hybrid contains two unE. H. GRELL

like subunits (J0), Flies trapped from

Biology Division,

nessee, are polytypic. The rapid, slow,

Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830

a wild population in Oak Ridge, Ten-

and hybrid patterns of GDH are all
found in this one population.
Genetic analysis shows that the differences in electrophoretic mobility of
GDH are based on there being two
alleles of a genetic locus. This locus
(called Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, symbol Gdh) is located on the

second chromosome. On the standard
linkage map of D. melanogaster (11)

it has a genetic map position of about
17.8. It is between the loci of clot eye
color (map position 16.5) and Sternopleural bristles (map position 22.0).
Homozygotes of the allele Gdh*® have
the rapid pattern. Homozygotes of the
allele Gdh® have the slow pattern
of GDH. The hybrid pattern is pro-

Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
References and Notes
1. B. Sactor and D. G. Cochran, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 25, 649 (1957).
2. E. Zebe and W. H. McShan, J. Gen. Physiol.
40, 779 (1957).
3. B. Sactor, in The Physiology of Insecta,
M. Rockstein, Ed. (Academic Press, New
York, ed, 2, 1965), 483.
W. Chefurka, in ibid., p. 581.
. C. R. Shaw, Science 149, 936 (1965).
. M. Sims, Nature 207, 757 (1965).
. J. L. Hubby and L. H. Throckmorton, Geneties 52, 203 (1965).
J. L. Hubby and R. C. Lewontin, ibid. 54,
577 (1966).
. 5. Raymond and Y.-J. Wang, Anal. Blochem.
1, 391 (1960).
10, D. Schwartz, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S. 52,
222 (1964).

11. C. B. Bridges and K, §. Brehme, The Mutants of Drosophila melanogaster (Carnegie
Inst. Wash., publ. No, 552, 1944).
12. Research sponsored by the AEC under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation.
20 September 1967



phoretic mobility of their GDH. When
the procedures described above are
used, it is found that one type contains GDH that migrates more rapidly
to the anode than the other. CantonS, Samarkand, and Oregon-RC are
examples of common wild-type strains
that contain the more rapidly migrat-

ing enzyme. Swedish-c and Oregon-R
have the slower migrating enzyme (see
Fig. 1). There appears to be a family
of enzymes in each inbred. There is a
Major component and two slower-moving minor components. The whole pattern is displaced when the slower and
faster types are compared. Larvae,
pupae, and adults have the same patterns. Whether these multiple forms
are present in the living animal or are

time. Sims (6)


tris buffer (0.05M, pH 8.5), 0.18 g of

disodium dihydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetate, 0.8 g of disodium glycerophosphate pentahydrate (a and 8 mix-

artifacts cannot be determined at this


within species. Hubby and Lewontin
(8) surveyed manystrains of D. pseudoobscura and found no electrophoretic
variants of GDH, although variants of
some other enzymes were common.
For this investigation, Sim’s (6) technique was used with modifications to
accommodate flat-bed electrophoresis
equipment (EC Apparatus Corp.). Strips
of polyacrylamide gel (5 percent acrylamide) were cast according to the
method of Raymond and Wang (9).
Before use, the gels were equilibrated
with buffer of 0.025M tris brought
down to pH 6.0 with H,PO,. Buffer
in electrode vessels was 0.05M trisphosphate, pH 6.0. Flies were squashed
on small squares of filter paper and
inserted between cut ends of the gel.
The top and bottom of the apparatus
were cooled with running tap water.
A potential of 24 volt/cm and a current of about 45 ma was applied across
the gel for 2 to 4 hours.
The mixture to give color to regions
of GDH activity contained 90 ml of

Detergent-Solubilized RNA Polymerase from
Cells Infected with Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus
Abstract. The foot-and-mouth disease virus RNA polymerase complex was
dissociated from cellular membranes with deoxycholate in the presence of dextran sulfate. The soluble polymerase complex was active in the cell-free synthesis
of virus-specific RNA; solubilization of the complex permitted direct analysis
of the cell-free reaction mixtures without recourse to RNA extraction. A major
RN4A-containing component found early during cell-free incubation ranged from
approximately 140 to 3008. The final major products of the cell-free system
were 37S virus RNA, 208 ribonuclease-resistant RNA, and a 50S component
containing RNA.

Detailed studies of replication of antmal virus RNA in ceil-free systems
have been hindered by high levels of
nuclease or membrane-bound polym-

erase complexes, or of both (/, 2).

The RNA polymerase induced by the
foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV)
is reportedly bound to cellular memSCIENCE, VOL. 158

Select target paragraph3