cetic acid cycle, and several enzymic

ploration, and territory in wild lions;
aggressive play in polecats; exploration

polysaccharides are discussed effective-

in children; home range in mammals;
movements in small mammals; territory





reactions of particular importance are
discussed and well integrated, and

ly. Other attractive features of the
book include abridged rules for carbohydrate nomenclature, useful. general and specific references, and numerous summaries of important topics.

Along with these many strong points,
there are a number of aspects which

seriously detract from the book’s usefulness. The theoretical discussions of
optical rotatory power and NMR are
inadequate for the advanced reader

too involved for the beginning

student. The structure of pD-glucose is
developed fully. Although the structures of the monosaccharides may be
gleaned through the illustrative examples, the author nowhere compares the
structures of the pentoses, hexoses, or
hexuloses. Many of the figures appear
to have been drawn carelessly—Fig.
6.31 presents a conformationally inaccurate representation of 1,6-anhydro
formation, for example—-and few of
the figures and tables are conveniently

placed with respect to the applicable

portions of the text. Although the author is aware of good carbohydrate

nomenclature, a great many of the

names used are inaccurate. Finally, the
index is inadequate.
This book is basically a good book
in carbohydrate chemistry, but its usefulness is somewhat decreased by the
many errors, most of which are not

of concept but of execution.


Department of Biochemistry,
Purdue University,
Lafayette, Indiana

Mammalian Behavior
Play, Exploration and Territory in Mammals. Proceedings of a symposium, London, Nov. 1965. P. A. JEWELL and
CaROLINE Loizos, Eds. Published for the
Zoological Society of London by Academic
Press, New York, 1966. 294 pp., illus.

Recent reports of manyfield studies
of nonhuman primates have led to renewed efforts to examine systematically
the naturalistic behavior of a wide
range of other mammals. The proceedings of this symposium importantly advance these efforts. The contributors
describe play in mammals; play, ex1300

and fear in rats; exploration and play

in carnivores; scent marking in Cani-

dae; grouping and range in feral Soay
sheep; dispersal of red deer; home
range and agonistic behavior in the
gray squirrel; group structure and
movement of gelada baboons; and spatial organization of nutria. Most of the
observations reported were made in the
natural habitats of the animals, but
some observations of behavior in captivity are included.
The symposium describes many other kinds of related behavior in addition
to those suggested by the title; extensive observations of nutrition and feedings, aggressive and reproductive be-

havior, marking and signaling, population organization, and selective adaptations are reported. There are significant contributions to the subjects of
population organization and control
and the composition and structure of
families, colonies, and groups of ani-

mals. Aggressive and defensive behavior and their associated functions are
described for many of the species.
Each paper adds new observations
to the general literature on free-ranging

mammalian behavior. New problems
are defined, and a few new methods
and techniques are briefly described.
For example, lemmings do not plunge
blindly into lakes, but they, and nutria

too, cross lakes when silhouettes of
the opposite shore can be seen. Telemetry, radio transmission, and radio-

isotopic tracers are described as standard techniques for both tracing and
recording the movements of small mammals,
The collected papers for the symposium do not develop a coherent theme.
The contributions are somewhat irreguJar in scope and quality of treatment
of the wide variety of subjects. Although new and extended information
and new variations of patterns of move-

ments of animals in-space-over-time
are described, old definitions of “home

range” are repeated too often. The relative exclusivity of mammalian home
ranges and the existence of more than

one focus of activity in definable
‘ranges should be generally accepted.
In contrast, the attention given to
community and group ranges, life
ranges, the effects of varied ecological
contexts, and the evolutionary signifi-

cance of behavior represents an im-

portant contribution of the book, Learning and conditioning mechanisms as
possible explanatory concepts for ter-

ritoriality are seriously neglected. The

issue of defensive behavior as a cri-

terion of territoriality continues in this

symposium to receive too much attention relative to its importance in animal
Play, exploration, and territoriality
are kinds of behavior that are basic
and general, but neglected, subjects of
study. This well-designed book, with
good abstracts and summaries for each
chapter, emphasizes the importance of

these activities, advances analysis and
understanding of them, and once again
calls attention to their biological significance,

Departments of Psychology and
Anthropology, Pennsylvania State

University, University Park

Organisms in Environments
Pollution and Marine Ecology. Proceedings of a conference, Galveston, Texas,
March 1966. THEODORE A. OLSON and
Freprick J. Burcess, Eds. Interscience
(Wiley), New York, 1967. 382 pp., illus.

Other than the suggestion, by the
author of the welcoming remarks, that
support of pollution studies may be
one of the largest categories of federal
expenditure in the future, the problem
presented by the increase in our capacity to

influence our environment

adversely was not examined in this
conference. The implication of the proceedings, with several papers that are

essentially basic ecology, is that studies
of whole plants and animals in their
settings are indeed returning to favor
and that studies of unpolluted or natural conditions are desirable. Thus we
find in this book the only recent essays
on intertidal ecology on the Oregon
coast and on subtidal ecology at Anacapa Island, and a 50-page summary

by H. T. Odum of biological circuits

and marine systems in Texas, together

with the usual sorts of papers about

indicators, trace substances, “parameters of pollution,” and so on. The book
is not a complete treatment for ecolo-

gists or pollution engineers, but it will
be essential for both.

Marine Science Laboratory,
Oregan State University, Newport


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