diation as jt emanated fromthe material itself
made possible an approximate calculation of

the proportion of total dose delivered in each
of several energy regions. Such a caleulation,
using Spectrometric data on the source material
of mixed fission products and taking into account this energy degradation by Compton scattering along the path in air, (1) led to the
dose-energy histogram shown in Figure Lz.
Roughly there were three recions. with maxima at 100, 700 and 1400 KEV. The total exposure was thus the resnitant effect of partial
doses from each energy refion, making the exposure energy condition significantly different

fromthose of ridintion therapyor experimental
The data in Figure 1.2 are based on the spec-

trum of 4 day old fission products from a fallout sample. In the absence of other data, this
was taken as representative of the fallout on

all of the islands to which the individuals were
exposed. An energy correction factor for the

radiation measuring: instrament was calculated

by weighting the dose from each energy interval by an average meter response factor for
that enerey (2). A geometry correction factor
was also calculated. The total correction resulting from this procedure was found to he about
twenty percent.

Using this correction, the dose rates on the
ishinds at the time of survey were determined.
Since radioactive decay of the fission products
had occurred between the start of the exposure
and this time, it was necessary to obtain a value
for this decay rate during the exposure period
in order to calculate a total dose in each case.
A large number of radioisotopes are present in
varying proportions in the fisston product mixture, and the total rate of change of radiation
intensity resulting from them may difler somewhat with place and ‘ime. The best data available in this case came from fallout samples
taken soon after the detonation at points some
distance from the contaminuted atolls. Decay
rates of these samples were measured in fhe
held and in the laboratory, and a fairly consistent pattern was observed amene various lo-



cations and samples. In addition, theoretical
considerations based on the radiochemical con.-

position of the fallout mixture permitted deeuy

rates to be calculated for different intervals between the time of initial exposure and later survey readings (3). These agree well with the

experimental data, and were used both in the

dose calculations during the exposure intervals

and in extrapolating the later survey readings

to earlier times.

Duration of the Exposures

The time of evacuation is known accurately
for all the islands: however, the time of arrival!
of the rachoactive cloud was determined precisely only for Rongerik by means of a continuously recording dose rate monitorlocated at the
weather station on that atoll. As the radiation
intensity rose above the background, a material
with a misty appearance began to fall. The
times of beginning of fallout for Rongelap and
Ailinginae atolls were estimated from similar
visual observations. These estimates were consistent with the relative distances from the site
of detonation and the known wind velocities.
Fallout was not observed on Utirik. hence the
estimate of arrival time was made on the basis
of wind velocity and distance.
Two extreme possibilities exist relative ta the
duration of the fallouts: the first, that the fallout occurred entirely within a short thne: the
second, that it was gradual and extended over a
longer periad. The monitoring instrument on
Rongertk went off scale at 100 mr/hr, one-half

hour after the dose rate bezan to rise above

backeroumd. Tf this rate of increase is taken as
constunt. and is extrapolated (9 a point for
which subsequent decay would reduce the doze
rate to the values found at later times. the as-

sumption of a long fallout of about 16 hours is
found to be necessary. This slow rate of fall
and Jate maximinn time of dose rate was one
limiting case; however this situation was not

considered likely.

Existing data are inconcla-

sive, but several indications favor a shorter
“effective fallout tine hypothesiz” and are summarized below.

Select target paragraph3