Qo. Y w) The expense involved tn the ourrent «tuty fYethigh, Qeccuze no proper animal quarters were available. Thecages specially constructed ara of a troe shtoh greatly incorences the tine involved in cnimal ecre, I” Niturc experiment: are plenned, a tev type ofcage «11 be cortgnsd {end tested) which wuld cat the atpense of animal erre by one-third or mere end will ndinintce the health hagesie af caying. - a) The present large scale etixty need notbe cuplicsted. It seems adequate as a bese line te ensble the setegp of several mech smaller projects uell conceived and emerbed on atstistically sagnir wart TnL» . Bo cugcastians sc to the tyae of tecaaral te be UREASEkCR ore offered nov, Gri 1! is reectmanded the: 2 cemi-pernanant special adyivory committee of the MotLed Dirseter of AGt shoul soon - comeider problima viiel are dest aarsiod wot In PLeid experLnerte « Fenpectfully aumcitted, A. S. Tipton, B.D. Hq il,Sapiatauberry, M.D. J. Movhmen, i, 0. » Furth, ¥. b. DOS ARCHIVES