aun 404908 PROGRES. REPORT OPERATION. - CRELMIOWE 1. The .tuty of the chronic consecuences «2 atemic exrosure of Tees mine proceeda vith no comolications. af “ov, srurovin:tely seven months ~- the expoeure, most of «he deaths -re due to levkcrin. Peanth Prom incurrent infections hae becn minisal since receipt vf the antigic. Ze A sidyat roxraiity early after receipt of the mice, occurring mainly mung thse racoiving hicher deces, bes already been reperted, Ths nearly Vetholtite “rom oxnosis ovtiently dees not end in 30 days y bot there lo vuite «= garrv-orar, teominetine tn the crosent series during the aisk: om aewonth veel, fig Vhe swell membolity decliued to about ome ner weak ae 2.0% of che nomination. 3. Levvemic begen to Appear Strdac ure totes venth oMter expose ant in now on tte neconteney. Trkleo To tetcctoe - devirdts velation betveen Lowkerds Ensdvenes und “yhe nihcP oxpocnre, the ttontent fnoldence being sree miler: cmp reed te deear bcher thon the BO 50, Hot 2 single gase of lethenda hae worurted satomg thy “LL centrels. Neutrons have ne preferenticl offect in he Latca:ia Incuction, Opacities of the lene began to dake their npcarance about 7) dege aster exposure, and now all exporrd animals hrnve come opacities. This is welt exclefned byow sarlior observetion the. the threshold dose inducing opacitios of the Tenn f= seveviere br ‘veen 30 and lf we The progress of catcracts smong “Mc ceimels emcee? in invicated in Table 2, There ic . & digtinet referential neutron effect as cenverng cataract induoticn. . io? . T ppeA He He -B2 opnien . b-4 . RE BEST COPY AVAILABLE by: Dick KewGlE te 4-397 NOS ARCHIVEL