Integrating equation (2),


© 2 Sty (tyr? = 4,-0.2)


(6.b.) © Siyty1.244.“02a0.2)


t, @ tine after detonation
t, @ later tire after detonation.

Coc = Sat


‘wherer C® © total nusber of disintegrations from tine "a" te “b*

By the use of equations 3.a. or 3.b. and 6.b. one may compute an

estinsted dose at the surface of an inaginary sphere,
Of course, the problem is the deterxination of "t* and ~") 1.0.,
how long after detonation will a radioactive particle appear in the lungs

and how long will the particle remain in place. The first tine (t) is puch

easier to ectixate than the later (t,).
(See text page 53)

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Select target paragraph3