
1953 the following recommendation was made,
"It is recommended, and found to be in conforaity witn the present


principles of determining perwissiile excosure linits, that for test
operatioa persomel the total [ody gacma exposure te linited to 3.9r in
tirteen weeks, and trat te same Migure te aprlied to the off-site com

monities wit: tre furt er qualification in t.e latter case that tis is
tre total figure for t.e year,
sorties in ary given year.*

In general, tis imlies a single test

On the hasis of tis recomme:dation ard t.e reasoning discussed uncer
Policy I, toe eriteria for estimating t:e wole -ody gaa effective clolopical
dose are summarised in Ta‘le ¥,

It will te noted t.at tie (iological factor

included under Policy I 4a omitted in Palicy ¥.

In the first case we are

Gealing with relatively “ig: dosea that may require emergency measures Wit)
t.eir attendant hazards,

It is @ situation where one wishes to estimate all

pertinent factors in evaluating radietio: doses even thour.. te; may not be
known wit. precilsences, ‘efore recommending an emergency action that may

produce greater pro’lens,

In the case of Policy Y one is concerned wit:

relatively lower doses during routing operations, . It would :e@ diffierl: to
justify on the one baad the propos’ tion that weekly doses for ge.eral populations may te integreted and taxes in @ single exposure without pe:mlty sad on
ne ot°er hand that a elven dose received over a period of a year may be administpatively reduced because of tiological repeir,
factor is oni tted,

‘T.erefore, the tdolocical

Select target paragraph3